I want to extract all the review details like name, date, and reviewed data etc, for the below website of the product blueair. looks like it's hidden and used javascript.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests_html import HTMLSession
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) '\
'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '\
'Chrome/75.0.3770.80 Safari/537.36'}
URL = ''
httpx = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
# print(httpx.text)
soup = BeautifulSoup(httpx.content,'html.parser')
for data in soup.findAll('span', class_='bv-content-datetime-stamp'):
User the API with limit to fetch all the reviews
import requests
import json
limit = 100
r = requests.get(f'{limit}&offset.q0=8&limit_comments.q0=3&callback=bv_351_53884')
comments = json.loads(r.text[13:-1])['BatchedResults']['q0']['Results']
This was a great purchase, beautifully packed, easy set-up, great app, sleek design, and very quiet. The color bar shows the air quality being processed by the unit.
While I signed up for the auto-ship subscription service based on the Bluair statement that the app will analyze the filter condition and send a new filter right when it's needed. However, after speaking with two Bluair employees, it seems that rather sending a new filter when needed, Bluair just sends a new filter every six months regardless of filter condition and use -- certainly not high tech!
These are the query parameters you can tune
passkey: bai25xto36hkl5erybga10t99
apiversion: 5.5
displaycode: 2070_2_0-en_us
resource.q0: reviews
filter.q0: isratingsonly:eq:false
filter.q0: productid:eq:100750915
filter.q0: contentlocale:eq:en_CA,en_US
sort.q0: relevancy:a1
stats.q0: reviews
filteredstats.q0: reviews
include.q0: authors,products,comments
filter_reviews.q0: contentlocale:eq:en_CA,en_US
filter_reviewcomments.q0: contentlocale:eq:en_CA,en_US
filter_comments.q0: contentlocale:eq:en_CA,en_US
limit.q0: 30
offset.q0: 38
limit_comments.q0: 3
callback: bv_351_54703
Answered By - Epsi95
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