I have a dataframe, where I would like to transform based on grouping ids, count and sum.
pod date1 pwr1 pwr2 position
aa q122 2 2 100
aa q122 0 4 100
bb q122 5 0 50
bb q122 5 0 50
bb q222 0 0 50
bb q322 0 5 50
bb q322 0 5 50
pod date con retro final re_space
aa q122 2 6 -4 101
bb q122 10 0 10 48
bb q222 0 0 0 48
bb q322 0 10 -10 50
def f(x):
d = {'con': [x['pwr1'].sum()],
'retro': [x['pwr2'].sum()],
'final': [x['pwr1'].sum() - x['pwr2'].sum()],
're_space': [x['pwr2'].count() - x['pwr1'].count()]} # <<< HERE
return pd.DataFrame(d)
out = df.groupby(['id', 'date', 'positions']) \
# Compute re_space with cumsum
out['re_space'] = out['positions'].astype(float) + out.groupby('id')['re_space'].cumsum()
This works ok, except it is still counting the values and subtracting or adding from the re_space despite a 0 or null value.
Any suggestion is appreciated. I am still troubleshooting
Try (x['pwr2'] !=0).values.sum()
instead of x['pwr2'].count()
Corrected code:
def f(x):
d = {'con': [x['pwr1'].sum()],
'retro': [x['pwr2'].sum()],
'final': [x['pwr1'].sum() - x['pwr2'].sum()],
're_space': [(x['pwr2'] !=0).values.sum() - (x['pwr1']!=0).values.sum()]} # <<< HERE
return pd.DataFrame(d)
pod date1 position con retro final re_space
0 aa q122 100 2 6 -4 101.0
1 bb q122 50 10 0 10 48.0
2 bb q222 50 0 0 0 48.0
3 bb q322 50 0 10 -10 50.0
Answered By - sharathnatraj
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