I create the subplot object like this:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(18, 10))
and then call my custom function that inside it create a seaborn scatter plot like this:
prediction_plot(real_val=y_test,predic_val=y_predict,ax_lim_low=0.1,ax_lim_high=1,majr_tick=0.1,mnr_tick=0.05,ax_label='Mean Value')
Inside the custom function I set various aesthetic properties and the plot the graph like this:
graph=sns.regplot(data=df, x="actual", y="predicted",ci=95,x_bins=40, scatter_kws={"color": "black",'s':50},
line_kws={"color": "black"})
I see that in the line where you create the sns.regplot you do not specify any axes for it.
I dont know what else you do in you custom function but you could pass the subplot axis to your function like this:
prediction_plot(axis= ax, real_val=y_test,predic_val=y_predict,ax_lim_low=0.1,ax_lim_high=1,majr_tick=0.1,mnr_tick=0.05,ax_label='Mean Value')
and then inside your function you could assign these axis to the seaborn.regplot like this:
graph=sns.regplot(data=df, x="actual", y="predicted",ci=95,x_bins=40, scatter_kws={"color": "black",'s':50},
line_kws={"color": "black"}, ax = ax)
Answered By - KZiovas
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