One solution posted by myself, but I'm not satisfied with it, which is too complicated.
Sometimes, we need to flatten one dict, and sometimes in reverse, for example: a nested dict looks like this:
{'a': 'A', 'b': {'c': 'BC', 'd': [4, 44, 444]}}
and a flatten dict:
{'a': 'A', 'b__c': 'BC', 'b__d': [4, 44, 444]}
as we can see, in this case, we use double underscore to represent the nested level.
I wrote two functions to do these, Please check the answer I posted, but I still prefer any robost 3rd party lib or any other idea to make these two functions eaiser?
And besides, I also wanna know what is the right way to flatten value, which type is a list filled with dict objects? Let's put it this way, what should a flatten dict should be, if we replace the number 4, 44, 444 with dicts intead.
I wrote two functions to convert flatten and nested dict, but I prefer to find some robost lib to handle these cases.
def flatten(nested_dict, result=None, prefix=''):
from collections import OrderedDict
if result is None:
result = dict()
for k, v in nested_dict.items():
new_k = '__'.join((prefix, k)) if prefix else k
if not (isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, OrderedDict)):
result.update({new_k: v})
flatten(v, result, new_k)
return result
def rebuild(flatten_dict, result=None):
from collections import defaultdict
import json
def tree():
return defaultdict(tree)
def rec(keys_iter, value):
_r = tree()
_k = next(keys_iter)
_r[_k] = rec(keys_iter, value)
return _r
except StopIteration:
return value
if result is None:
result = dict()
for k, v in flatten_dict.items():
keys_nested_iter = iter(k.split('__'))
cur_level_dict = result
while True:
k = next(keys_nested_iter)
if k in cur_level_dict:
cur_level_dict = cur_level_dict[k]
cur_level_dict[k] = json.loads(json.dumps(rec(keys_nested_iter, v)))
except StopIteration:
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_dict = {'a': 'A',
'd': [4, 44, 444],
'c': 'BC'
my_flatten_dict = flatten(my_dict)
assert my_flatten_dict == {'a': 'A', 'b__c': 'BC', 'b__d': [4, 44, 444]}
my_nested_dict = rebuild(my_flatten_dict)
assert my_nested_dict == {'a': 'A', 'b': {'c': 'BC', 'd': [4, 44, 444]}}
Answered By - Menglong Li
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