Following the training lesson in PyTorch on this page:
It's basically their 'Hello World!' version of an image classifier.
What I'm trying to do is manually code the training steps in the network to make sure I understand each one, but I am currently getting a dimension mismatch in one of my linear layers, which has me stumped. Especially since (AFAIK) I'm recreating the steps in the tutorial exactly.
class net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16*5*5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
net = net()
I believe this is exactly as they have it on their own page.
I'm trying to calculate the following step without a loop:
for epoch in range(2): # loop over the dataset multiple times
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
# get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
inputs, labels = data
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# print statistics
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 2000 == 1999: # print every 2000 mini-batches
print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' %
(epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 2000))
running_loss = 0.0
print('Finished Training')
What I'm doing is this:
data = enumerate(trainloader)
inputs, labels = next(data)[1]
outputs = net(inputs)
And the last line gives me the following traceback:
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-285-d4be5abf5bb1> in <module>
----> 1 outputs = net(inputs)
~\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\ in __call__(self,
*input, **kwargs)
487 result = self._slow_forward(*input, **kwargs)
488 else:
--> 489 result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
490 for hook in self._forward_hooks.values():
491 hook_result = hook(self, input, result)
<ipython-input-282-a6eca2e3e9db> in forward(self, x)
14 x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
15 x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
---> 16 x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
17 x = self.fc3(x)
Which closes out with:
RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [4 x 120], m2: [84 x 10] at
I know this means my dimension values don't match, and I suspect it has to do with the line x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
where I go from the convolutional to linear layer, but I have two confusions:
- As far as I can tell my network matches exactly what's on the PyTorch page
- My error occurs on the second linear layer, not the first, and columns of the preceeding layer match the rows of the current one, so I find it confusing why this error is happening.
Actually, there is no self.fc3(x)
in __init__()
as you have mentioned in forward()
function. Try running you code by changing
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
in __init__()
function to
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
Above mistake is the reason why you are getting the error. As you are initializing self.fc2
twice in the above code, see below lines:
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
Here, first value of self.fc2
is overriden by later value. So, finally it is initialized with a Linear layer with input channels 84 and output channels 10.
Later on, in the forward function you are passing the output channels of x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
, i.e., 120 as an input channels to x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
, which has been changed to 84 because of the above explained reasons, you are getting the error.
Apart from this, I don't think if something wrong with your code.
Answered By - Anubhav Singh
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