I am creating a simple Docker/Flask app that I wanted to deploy to elastic beanstalk but am unable to get it working.
The code for the backend app (including docker config) can be found here:
For code deployment, I am pushing my code to s3 via a zip; script to do that can be found here:
The Elastic Beanstalk instance is pretty much in it's default configuration (only thing I changed was enabling logs)
- setup using Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.4.9
The error I am getting when I hit the resource is - 502 - Gateway Error
Looking in var/log/eb-docker/containers/eb-current-app/stdouterr.log I am able to see the app is successfully spun up listening on port
At this point, I don't really know where the issue could be originating from. My suspicion is that the ports aren't properly being mapped to which I have tried the .ebextensions that are in place now, using a file instead of docker-compose, removing docker-compose entirely, and changing the server port to 8080 and 80 with no success.
Looking for any resources to point me in the right direction!
You are using wrong ports in docker compose. Please change to:
ports: [ '80:5000' ]
Answered By - Marcin
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