Afternoon all. I hope you can help with a problem. I am using creating a Flask app and using pymongo and I need to delete a singular array value from multiple arrays across many documents within one collection. I have recipe documents within a 'recipes' collection, and within each of them is an array ('category') that can be between 1 and 3 values in length. I have a feature available within the admin section of my site that allows for the deletion of a category from the 'categories' collection and so, to go with that, I want to delete any instances of that category value within the 'category' array on any recipe document within the recipes 'collection'.
I have managed to do this on a single document:
{"_id": ObjectId("60df2eec9df14e58d0c698c8")},
{"$pull": {"category": category_id}}
but have not managed this on the collection as a whole I have determined I need to use the $all with the $pull operator on the collection using the 'update_many' query and have so far tried:{"category": {"$all": {"$pull": {"category": category_id}}}}){"$all": {"$pull": {"category": category_id}}}){"category": {"$pullAll": {"category": category_id}}})
None of them work. I keep getting a the error:
TypeError: update_many() missing 1 required positional argument: 'update'
Any help would be appreciated.
1st parameter is filter which will be {}
if you want to update all document
{} // filter filter,
{} // update
){ }, {"$pull": {"category": category_id}})
Answered By - Tushar Gupta - curioustushar
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