I have this dataframe:
Month_Year City_Name Chain_Name Product_Name Product_Price
11-2021 London Aldi Pasta 2.33
11-2021 Bristol Spar Bananas 1.45
10-2021 London Tesco Olives 4.12
10-2021 Cardiff Spar Pasta 2.25
This dataframe will be displayed in nested collapsible which will expand in the following order:
Product_name : Price
Theefore, I want to transform the dataframe to the following structure:
Essentially I want to groupby
every element recursively, starting by purchase month. The closest thing I've found is the solution in this answer, but as dictionary doesn't take duplicate values as I might have duplicate values in every column. Other than that, I am not sure if using a dictionary is the optimal answer for this problem.
My best guess is I have to use other DS type such as some type of tree, but couldn't find any way to do that.
Any advises?
You can group your dataframe by all columns except price, then create your dictionaries in a loop:
# if more than one price for one product in a chain, then calculate mean:
grouped_df = df.groupby(['Month_Year', 'City_Name', 'Chain_Name', 'Product_Name']).agg('mean')
result = dict()
nested_dict = dict()
for index, value in grouped_df.itertuples():
for i, key in enumerate(index):
if i == 0:
if not key in result:
result[key] = {}
nested_dict = result[key]
elif i == len(index) - 1:
nested_dict[key] = value
if not key in nested_dict:
nested_dict[key] = {}
nested_dict = nested_dict[key]
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4))
Changing your df to show nested dict and mean calculation to:
Month_Year City_Name Chain_Name Product_Name Product_Price
0 11-2021 London Aldi Pasta 2.33
1 11-2021 London Aldi Pasta 2.35
2 11-2021 London Aldi Olives 3.99
3 11-2021 Bristol Spar Bananas 1.45
4 10-2021 London Tesco Olives 4.12
5 10-2021 Cardiff Spar Pasta 2.25
You get the output:
"10-2021": {
"Cardiff": {
"Spar": {
"Pasta": 2.25
"London": {
"Tesco": {
"Olives": 4.12
"11-2021": {
"Bristol": {
"Spar": {
"Bananas": 1.45
"London": {
"Aldi": {
"Olives": 3.99,
"Pasta": 2.34
Answered By - Tranbi
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