I have this huge master excel file, and I am unpacking a few variables, and my code is expectedly not working that well. I am using Spyder for Python, and it says that there is an ordered dictionary for a few variables, and as I go to unpack the variables to plot the data its not working. Thanks in advance for your help. The Lactose are the sheet names and I am getting the data in those columns and plotting them a simple operation I thought...but it wasn't. My issue is that I am trying to use for loops to collect data from a master excel file, then use another for loop to grab that data and plot it. The task is to the following it should run like this read Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on columns A,B, M,N (not exact columns or sheetnames and then plot that data and produce pairs of graphs. The problem that is actually occurring is that it won't assign title or produce a total of 16 graphs paired into 8 sections.
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from scipy import constants
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d = ['Lactose.450g.2p', 'Lactose.229g.16p', 'Lactose.343g.16p',
'Lactose.375g.2p','Lactose.400g.16p', 'Lactose.419g.16p',
'Lactose.425g.2p', 'Lactose.500g.2p']
for i in d:
reference = []
list_reference = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i])
xaxis_samp = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'C' , skiprows = [0,1])
yaxis_samp = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'D' , skiprows = [0,1])
xaxis_ref = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'I', skiprows = [0,1])
yaxis_ref = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols ='J', skiprows = [0,1])
for e1, e2, e3, e4, e5 in zip(xaxis_samp,yaxis_samp,xaxis_ref,yaxis_ref, [i]):
fig_ref, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols = 1, figsize = (10,10))
ax1.plot(e3, e4)
ax1.set_title( 'Reference Spectrum Teflon Tablet')
ax1.set(xlabel = 'TeraHertz (THz)', ylabel = 'Electric field (a.u.)')
ax2.set_title('Sample Spectrum ' + str(e5) + ' Tablet')
ax2.set(xlabel = 'TeraHertz (THz)', ylabel = 'Electric field (a.u.)')
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from scipy import constants
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d = ['Lactose.450g.2p', 'Lactose.229g.16p', 'Lactose.343g.16p',
'Lactose.375g.2p','Lactose.400g.16p', 'Lactose.419g.16p',
'Lactose.425g.2p', 'Lactose.500g.2p']
for i in d:
reference = []
list_reference = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i])
xaxis_samp = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'C' , skiprows = [0,1])
yaxis_samp = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'D' , skiprows = [0,1])
xaxis_ref = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols = 'I', skiprows = [0,1])
yaxis_ref = pd.read_excel('C:\\Kean\\MasterFileLactose071019.xlsx', sheet_name = [i], usecols ='J', skiprows = [0,1])
for e1, e2, e3, e4, e5 in zip(xaxis_samp,yaxis_samp,xaxis_ref,yaxis_ref,d):
fig_ref, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols = 1, figsize = (10,10))
ax1.plot(xaxis_ref[e3], yaxis_ref[e4])
ax1.set_title( 'Reference Spectrum Teflon Tablet')
ax1.set(xlabel = 'TeraHertz (THz)', ylabel = 'Electric field (a.u.)')
ax2.set_title('Sample Spectrum Tablet of '+ i)
ax2.set(xlabel = 'TeraHertz (THz)', ylabel = 'Electric field (a.u.)')
Answered By - EnlightenedFunky
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