I am a little stuck with my code i am trying to make a login system where the user can login to their account and use the commands that i have set, but i wanted add some extra input so that the user can register to the login system and use the commands i have set. i wanted to store the input made by the user permanently in a different variable each time so that when the user restarts the peice of code they can log in to the system and they wouldn't need to register again. THANKS IN ADVANCED!!! Sorry my code won't seem to register as code Here is the peice of code that i have created so far:
print ("Welcome!")
print ("Would you like to register")
loop = True
while (loop == True):
username = input ("username: ")
password = input ("password: ")
print ("register here if you don't have an account")
username1 = input ("name: ")
print ("this is what you use to login to the system")
username2 = input ("username: ")
username3 = input ("password: ")
if (username == "rohit" and password == "rodude") :
print ("hello and welcome " + username or )
loop = False
loop1 = True
print ("invalid username and password")
while(loop1 == True):
command = str(input(username + "{} > >"))
if(command.lower() == "exit"):
elif(command.lower() == "hi"):
print("Hi " + username + "!")
print ("'" + command + "' is an invalid command!")
Hey guys your ways are too complicated all you could do is this
name = open("usernames.txt", "w") #opens file usernames.txt and gets ready to write to it
file = input("please type some text: ") #asks user for text in code
name.write(file) #writes contents in file to usernames.txt
name.close() #closes file
open1 = open("usernames.txt", "r") #opens file to read it
print ( #prints whatever is in the text file
Answered By - rodude123
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