I have a dataframe such as :
COL1 start1 end1 COL3
A 140 180 LO
B 1000 2000 LA
and another dataframe such as :
COL1 start2 end2 COL4
A 3 7 PM
A 10 90 UI
A 80 123 RT
B 0 30 ZA
B 2100 2400 AZ
And I would like to create a file such as :
COL1 start1 end1 start2 end2 COL3 COL4 Distance
A 140 180 80 123 LO RT 17
B 1000 2000 2100 2400 LA AZ 100
The idea here is for each COL1
in Tab1, I want to look at the same in Tab2, and look the closest start2-end2
position compared to start1-end1
So for instance in COL1-A:
COL1 start1 end1 COL3
A 140 180 LO
I have 3 row on Tab2:
COL1 start2 end2 COL4
A 3 7 PM
A 10 90 UI
A 80 123 RT
As you can see the closest start2-end2 to 140-180
is 80-123
since :
140-123 = 17 , 140-90= 50 and 140-7 = 133. (17 is the shortest and then the closest).
So I add it in a New_tab:
COL1 start1 end1 start2 end2 COL3 COL4 Distance
A 140 180 80 123 LO RT 17
Here all coordinates were less than start1-end1
, but I can have also start2-end2
> start1-end1
such as in example B:
COL1 start1 end1 COL3
B 1000 2000 LA
here in Tab2 I have 2 candidates:
COL1 start2 end2 COL4
B 0 30 ZA
B 2100 2400 AZ
Where the closest is 2100-2400 since
2100-2000 = 100 and 1000-30 = 970 (100 in the shortest, then the closest). So I right in the New_tab:
COL1 start1 end1 start2 end2 COL3 COL4 Distance
A 140 180 80 123 LO RT 17
B 1000 2000 2100 2400 LA AZ 100
So far I succeed to do that using that uggly long code :
import pandas as pd
New_tab = pd.DataFrame(columns=['COL1', 'start1','end1','start2','end2','COL3','COL4','Distance'])
for letters in tab1['COL1'].unique():
#Extract subtab for each species
#Loop over subBUSCO_table coordinates
for index, row in tab1.iterrows():
if len(subtab2)>0:
COL1= row['COL1']
COL3= row['COL3']
tab1_start = row['start1']
tab1_end = row['end1']
#Left windows
if len(subtab2.loc[subtab2['end2'].le(tab1_start) & subtab2['start2'].lt(tab1_start)]) >0 :
subsubtab2=subtab2.loc[subtab2['end2'].le(tab1_start) & subtab2['start2'].lt(tab1_start)]
subsubtab2=subsubtab2.sort_values(by='end2', ascending=False)
Distance=tab1_start - subsubtab2.iloc[0]['end2']
New_tab = New_tab.append({'COL1':COL1,'start1': tab1_start, 'end1':tab1_end,'start2': tab2_start, 'end2':tab2_end,'COL3':COL3, 'COL4':COL4, 'Distance':Distance},ignore_index=True)
#Right windows
if len(subtab2.loc[subtab2['end2'].gt(tab1_end) & subtab2['start2'].ge(tab1_end)]) >0 :
subsubtab2=subtab2.loc[subtab2['end2'].gt(tab1_end) & subtab2['start2'].ge(tab1_end)]
subsubtab2=subsubtab2.sort_values(by='end2', ascending=False)
Distance= subsubtab2.iloc[0]['start2'] - tab1_end
New_tab = New_tab.append({'COL1':COL1,'start1': tab1_start, 'end1':tab1_end,'start2': tab2_start, 'end2':tab2_end,'COL3':COL3, 'COL4':COL4, 'Distance':Distance},ignore_index=True)
#Sort df Distance
New_tab=New_tab.sort_values(by='Distance', ascending=True)
#Keep shortest per COL1
New_tab = New_tab.drop_duplicates(subset=['COL1'], keep='first')
COL1 start1 end1 start2 end2 COL3 COL4 Distance
0 A 140 180 80 123 LO RT 17
2 B 1000 2000 2100 2400 LA AZ 100
Here are the two table in dict format if it can helps:
>>> tab1.to_dict()
{'COL1': {0: 'A', 1: 'B'}, 'start1': {0: 140, 1: 1000}, 'end1': {0: 180, 1: 2000}, 'COL3': {0: 'LO', 1: 'LA '}}
>>> tab2.to_dict()
{'COL1': {0: 'A', 1: 'A', 2: 'A', 3: 'B', 4: 'B'}, 'start2': {0: 3, 1: 10, 2: 80, 3: 0, 4: 2100}, 'end2': {0: 7, 1: 90, 2: 123, 3: 30, 4: 2400}, 'COL4': {0: 'PM', 1: 'UI', 2: 'RT', 3: 'ZA', 4: 'AZ'}}
Here's one way:
(i) Merge the 2 DataFrames on 'COL1'
(ii) Find the absolute difference between (end1-start1)
and (end2-start2)
and assign it to new column 'diff'
(iii) Find Distance
using np.where
and assign it to new column 'Distance'
(iv) Transform the minimum diff
and use it as a boolean mask to filter the correct rows
new_tab = tab1.merge(tab2, on='COL1')
new_tab['diff'] = ((new_tab['end1'] - new_tab['start1']) - (new_tab['end2'] - new_tab['start2'])).abs()
first = new_tab['end2'] - new_tab['start1']
second = new_tab['end1'] - new_tab['start2']
new_tab['Distance'] = np.abs(np.where(first>second, second, first))
out = new_tab[new_tab['diff'] == new_tab.groupby('COL1')['diff'].transform('min')].drop('diff', axis=1)
COL1 start1 end1 COL3 start2 end2 COL4 Distance
2 A 140 180 LO 80 123 RT 17
4 B 1000 2000 LA 2100 2400 AZ 100
Answered By - enke
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