My code below works but after a few times of ending the program and starting it again, the line
doesn't run and the files do not get sent to the GUI. Here is a breakdown of the problem:
Here is the usual results from the terminal when I send two hdf5 files to the folder:
running API pyqt5
using configuration at imageanalyser/qimageanalyser/image_analyzer.conf
no Pyro installed. Use dummy event handler.
{'coordinates': True, '_actions': {'home': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235a60>, 'back': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235af0>, 'forward': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235b80>, 'pan': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235ca0>, 'zoom': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235dc0>, 'configure_subplots': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235d30>, 'edit_parameters': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235ee0>, 'save_figure': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f868123f040>}, 'locLabel': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f8681235f70>, 'canvas': <qimageanalyser.mplwidget.MplCanvas object at 0x7f8688935940>, '_nav_stack': <matplotlib.cbook.Stack object at 0x7f868123d850>, '_lastCursor': <Cursors.POINTER: 1>, '_id_press': 2, '_id_release': 3, '_id_drag': 4, '_pan_info': None, '_zoom_info': None, 'mode': <_Mode.NONE: ''>}
try to connect to event service ...
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 1/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 2/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 3/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 4/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 5/350
finished run test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5 2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5
<HDF5 file "2021_08_10_13_43_29 (3rd copy).hdf5" (mode r+)>
xmean 135.47
xstd 41.31
xmean 148.42
xstd 41.17
mass: 3.81923985318e-26 [kg] size: 0.0002074740400778919 [m] tof: 0.01 [s]
mass: 3.81923985318e-26 [kg] size: 0.000122395198908796 [m] tof: 0.01 [s]
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 1/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 2/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 3/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 4/350
h5 file <test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5> is locked, retrying 5/350
finished run test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5 2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5
<HDF5 file "2021_08_10_13_43_29 (4th copy).hdf5" (mode r+)>
xmean 135.47
xstd 41.31
xmean 148.42
xstd 41.17
mass: 3.81923985318e-26 [kg] size: 0.0002074740400778919 [m] tof: 0.01 [s]
mass: 3.81923985318e-26 [kg] size: 0.000122395198908796 [m] tof: 0.01 [s]
But once I end the program and then restart it, perhaps the 3rd-5th time the connection doesn't go through and here are the results disregarding how many attempts I make on sending new hdf5 files to the folder:
running API pyqt5
using configuration at imageanalyser/qimageanalyser/image_analyzer.conf
no Pyro installed. Use dummy event handler.
{'coordinates': True, '_actions': {'home': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235a60>, 'back': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235af0>, 'forward': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235b80>, 'pan': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235ca0>, 'zoom': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235dc0>, 'configure_subplots': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235d30>, 'edit_parameters': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f8681235ee0>, 'save_figure': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction object at 0x7f868123f040>}, 'locLabel': <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f8681235f70>, 'canvas': <qimageanalyser.mplwidget.MplCanvas object at 0x7f8688935940>, '_nav_stack': <matplotlib.cbook.Stack object at 0x7f868123d850>, '_lastCursor': <Cursors.POINTER: 1>, '_id_press': 2, '_id_release': 3, '_id_drag': 4, '_pan_info': None, '_zoom_info': None, 'mode': <_Mode.NONE: ''>}
try to connect to event service ...
And finally here is the code of the program that's affected by this. I am using Pycharm and the thread.started.connect(
, specifically the word connect
is highlighted and the warning message is Cannot find reference 'connect' in 'function | pyqtBoundSignal'
thread = QThread(parent=self) # this part is in the DesignerMainWindow() __init__() shown below
print('try to connect to event service ...')
worker = watchdog_search.Worker("/home/test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/")
def run_app():
# first try to get an existing app
app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
reuseapp = True
if app is None:
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
reuseapp = False
dmw = DesignerMainWindow()
return dmw, app, reuseapp
if __name__ == "__main__":
dmw, app, reuseapp = run_app()
if "app" in globals() and not reuseapp:
And the watchdog_search file. Note here also the emit
in self.new_file.emit(event.src_path, os.path.basename(event.src_path))
is highlighted and the warning is Cannot find reference 'emit' in 'pyqtSignal | pyqtSignal'
import time
import traceback
import os
import h5py
import queue
from typing import Union
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler, DirCreatedEvent, FileCreatedEvent
from .tools.qt import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PyQt5.QtCore import (
class NewFileHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def __init__(self, q, *a, **k):
super().__init__(*a, **k)
self._q = q
def on_created(self, event):
class Worker(QObject):
new_file = pyqtSignal(str,str)
def __init__(self, path):
self._q = queue.Queue()
observer = Observer()
handler = NewFileHandler(self._q)
observer.schedule(handler, path=path, recursive=True)
# starts a background thread! Thus we need to wait for the
# queue to receive the events in work.
def work(self):
while True:
event = self._q.get()
max_retry_count = 350 # for test purposes now but want to set an upper bound on verifying a file is
# finished.
retry_interval_seconds = .01 # every hundreth it will try the file to see if it finished writing
retry_count = 0
if event.event_type == "created" and event.src_path.lower().endswith(".hdf5"):
while True:
file = h5py.File(event.src_path, "r")
except OSError:
if retry_count < max_retry_count:
retry_count += 1
print(f"h5 file <{event.src_path}> is locked, retrying {retry_count}/{max_retry_count}")
print(f"h5 file <{event.src_path}> reached max retry count, skipping")
break # <--- looks useful here
except Exception as err:
print(f"Got unexpected Error <{type(err).__name__}> while opening <{event.src_path}> ")
self.new_file.emit(event.src_path, os.path.basename(event.src_path))
I fixed the issue by using Daemon threading:
worker = watchdog_search.Worker("/home/test_image_analyzer_files/Test_Data/")
thread = threading.Thread(
Answered By - mikanim
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