EDIT: As indicated by @Carlos Cordoba, this problem is a known bug with ipykernel, and will be fixed in the coming weeks. For anyone experiencing the same problem, see this thread, and use the following command after installing spyder to your environment:
conda install -n env_name ipykernel=4.8.2
ORIGINAL: I'm creating a Python 3.6 environment using Anaconda, and receive the following error in the prompt after installing and running Spyder:
js: Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/Users/User/Anaconda3/envs/my_env/lib/site-packages/spyder/utils/help/static/css/default.css
This error continues to print every 15 seconds or so. Steps I've used for creating my environment within Anaconda Prompt:
1. conda create -n my_env python
2. conda install -n my_env spyder
3. conda activate my_env
4. spyder
What could be causing this, and why am I getting a javascript error when using Python?
(Spyder maintainer here) This error is already fixed and it'll be part of our 3.3.2 version, to be released in a couple of weeks.
Note: About your last question:
why am I getting a javascript error when using Python?
We have some css and javascript that we use to show info formatted as html (like the documentation rendered in our Help pane).
Answered By - Carlos Cordoba
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