I have the following code. I know the queryset contains 2 items. However, Django only creates one entry. What am I overlooking?
I know "OrderItem.objects.filter(order=order)" returns two objects. However, in the order_lines.iterate() it only creates one entry. Do I overlook something?
order_lines = OrderItem.objects.filter(order=order)
inv_ref = (str(order.order_date.year) + "-" + str(
inv = Invoice.objects.create(invoice_ref=inv_ref,date=order.order_date, order=order, ship_to=order.order_ship_to, bill_to=order.order_bill_to)
value = 0
vat = 0
total = 0
commission = 0
## Looping not working properly: fix all items to be added to invoice.
for item in order_lines.iterator():
exvat = (item.price/((100+item.vat)/100))
val = item.quantity * exvat
ttl = (item.price*item.quantity)
comm = item.commission
vat_val = ttl-val
InvoiceItems.objects.create(invoice=inv, order_item=item, quantity=item.quantity, price=exvat, value=val, vat=item.vat,vat_val=vat_val,total=ttl)
value = value + val
vat = vat + vat_val
total = total + ttl
commission = commission + comm
Do not use .iterator() as django.models.Model.objects.filter()
already returns an QuerySet which implements iterator protocol (Iterable[]
for item in order_lines:
Answered By - sudden_appearance
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