I am creating a flask application, for one request I need to run some long running job which is not required to wait on the UI. I will create a thread and send a message to UI. The thread will calculate and update the database. But, UI will see a message upon submit. Below is my implementation, but it is running the thread and then sending the output to UI which is not I prefer. How can I run this thread in the background?
def index():
t1 = threading.Thread(target=long_running_job)
return 'Scheduled a job'
def long_running_job
#some long running processing here
How can I make thread t1 to run the background and immediately send message in return?
The best thing to do for stuff like this is use a message broker. There is some excellent software in the python world meant for doing just this:
- Celery (, and
- RQ (
Both are excellent choices.
It's almost never a good idea to spawn a thread the way you're doing it, as this can cause issues processing incoming requests, among other things.
If you take a look at the celery or RQ getting started guides, they'll walk you through doing this the proper way!
Answered By - rdegges
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