I got a problem with my Flask application. I am trying to show multiple HTML tables on the same page that contain data from 3 different tables in the same database. At first I tried this following code
def summary():
db = get_db()
expense_entries = db.execute(
'SELECT id, expense_date, expense_item, expense_value, expense_item_category, expense_source'
' FROM budget_expense'
' ORDER BY expense_date ASC'
revenue_entries = db.execute(
'SELECT id, revenue_date, revenue_value, revenue_source'
'FROM budget_revenue'
'ORDER BY revenue_date ASC'
savings_entries = db.execute(
'SELECT id, savings_date,savings_value, savings_source, savings_reason, savings_action'
'FROM budget_savings'
'ORDER BY savings_date ASC'
return render_template('budget/summary.html', expense_entries=expense_entries, revenue_entries=revenue_entries, savings_entries=savings_entries)
Then I have a template that loops over and sets the values in a HTML Table. Side note, it works just fine when I have just one db.execute().fetchall()
The error that I get is this sqlite3.OperationalError: near "BY": syntax error
at the revenue_entries db.execute()
--> This occurs every time, until I remove all other db.execute()
commands until only one is left. I already tested the queries in DB Browser for SQLite and they execute just fine, no syntax error
After some research I found something similar in this question: flask multiple forms on the same page
And tried the same with a class object like the following:
def summary():
class BudgetDbConnector:
def __init__(self):
self.db = get_db()
def expense_entries(self):
return self.db.execute(
'SELECT id, expense_date, expense_item, expense_value, expense_item_category, expense_source'
' FROM budget_expense'
' ORDER BY expense_date ASC')
def revenue_entries(self):
return self.db.execute(
'SELECT id, revenue_date, revenue_value, revenue_source'
'FROM budget_revenue'
'ORDER BY revenue_date ASC')
def savings_entries(self):
return self.db.execute(
'SELECT id, savings_date,savings_value, savings_source, savings_reason, savings_action'
'FROM budget_savings'
'ORDER BY savings_date ASC')
return render_template('budget/summary.html', _object=BudgetDbConnector())
with template loops exactly as in the question linked. If works just as fine when only one object is called simultaneously. If add in the template the other two queries I receive the exact error shown above.
This is the HTML structure for when I only execute 1 query from the class object. In the instance of not using the class object the for block
would just be replaced with the parameters expense_entries, revenue_entries, savings_entries
{% for obj in _object.expense_entries %}
<tbody class="post">
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['id'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_date'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_item'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_value'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_item_category'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_source'] }}</th>
{% endfor %}
This is the HTML structure for when I try to execute all 3 statements
{% for obj in _object.expense_entries %}
<tbody class="post">
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['id'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_date'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_item'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_value'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_item_category'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['expense_source'] }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for obj in _object.revenue_entries %}
<tbody class="post">
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['id'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['revenue_date'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['revenue_value'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['revenue_source'] }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for obj in _object.savings_entries %}
<tbody class="post">
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['id'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['savings_date'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['savings_value'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['savings_source'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['savings_reasons'] }}</th>
<th class="small mb-1">{{ obj['savings_action'] }}</th>
{% endfor %}
Is there something wrong in my code or is sqlite3 not fit for multiple concurrent queries?
You are blaming SQLite when what you actually have is a syntax error, as it says. There is a very important difference between these two queries:
'SELECT id, expense_date, expense_item, expense_value, expense_item_category, expense_source'
' FROM budget_expense'
' ORDER BY expense_date ASC'
'SELECT id, revenue_date, revenue_value, revenue_source'
'FROM budget_revenue'
'ORDER BY revenue_date ASC'
The difference is the space at the beginning the second lines. What you're passing is basically "..., revenue_sourceFROM budget_revenueORDER BY...", so the "BY" is a syntax error.
Answered By - Tim Roberts
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