I'm working on an NLP task. I defined a function to conduct aspect extraction and sentiment based on the aspect and dependency parsing. The function looks like:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
def aspect_sentiment(text):
aspects = []
for sentence in text:
doc = nlp(sentence)
descriptive_term = ''
target = ''
for token in doc:
if token.dep_ == 'nsubj' and token.pos_ == 'NOUN':
target = token.text
if token.pos_ == 'ADJ':
prepend = ''
for child in token.children:
if child.pos_ != 'ADV':
prepend += child.text + ' '
descriptive_term = prepend + token.text
aspects.append({'aspect': target, 'description': descriptive_term})
for aspect in aspects:
aspect['polarity'] = TextBlob(aspect['description']).sentiment.polarity
aspect['subjectivity'] = TextBlob(aspect['description']).sentiment.subjectivity
First I made a list of sentences for testing:
sentences = [
'The food we had yesterday was delicious',
'My time in Italy was very enjoyable',
'I found the meal to be tasty',
'The internet was slow.',
'Our experience was suboptimal'
And when I use aspect_sentiment(sentences)
it returns the desired outcome:
[{'aspect': 'food',
'description': 'delicious',
'polarity': 1.0,
'subjectivity': 1.0},
{'aspect': 'time',
'description': 'very enjoyable',
'polarity': 0.65,
'subjectivity': 0.78},
{'aspect': 'meal',
'description': 'tasty',
'polarity': 0.0,
'subjectivity': 0.0},
{'aspect': 'internet',
'description': 'slow',
'polarity': -0.30000000000000004,
'subjectivity': 0.39999999999999997},
{'aspect': 'experience',
'description': 'suboptimal',
'polarity': 0.0,
'subjectivity': 0.0}]
But when I make the sentence list into a pandas dataframe and apply the function, the result column doesn't return the correct values:
text = pd.DataFrame(sentences, columns=['sentences'])
text['result'] = text['sentences'].map(aspect_sentiment)
How can I fix it? The output seems very wrong...
You can use df[col].apply(fn)
instead, which will run the function once on each element in a pandas Series. Just need to adjust aspect_sentiment
a bit to expect individual sentences instead of a list of sentences.
Answered By - tnwei
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