I want to copy a 2-d torch tensor to a destination tensor containing only values until the first occurrence of 202 value and zero for the rest of the items like this:
how can I do it?
I make working and pretty efficient solution.
I have made a little bit more complex source tensor with additional rows with 202 in different places:
import copy
import torch
source_t = torch.tensor([[101, 2001, 2034, 1045, 202, 3454, 3453, 1234, 202],
[101, 1999, 2808, 202, 17658, 3454, 202, 0, 0],
[101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 2020],
[101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 202, 3454, 9987, 202],
[101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 202]
At the start, we should find occurrences of the first 202. We can find all occurrences and then choose the first one:
index_202 = (source_t == 202).nonzero(as_tuple=False).numpy()
rows_for_replace = list()
columns_to_replace = list()
elements = source_t.shape[1]
current_ind = 0
while current_ind < len(index_202)-1:
current = index_202[current_ind]
element_ind = current[1] + 1
while element_ind < elements:
element_ind += 1
if current[0] == index_202[current_ind+1][0]:
current_ind += 1
current_ind += 1
After this operation, we have all our indexes which we should replace with zeros. 4 elements in the first row, 5 in the second, 3 in the fourth row and nothing in the third and fifth.
rows_for_replace, columns_to_replace
([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3], [5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6])
Then we just copy our source tensor and set new values in place:
destination_t = copy.deepcopy(source_t)
destination_t[rows_for_replace, columns_to_replace] = 0
Summary: source_t
tensor([[ 101, 2001, 2034, 1045, 202, 3454, 3453, 1234, 202],
[ 101, 1999, 2808, 202, 17658, 3454, 202, 0, 0],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 2020],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 202, 3454, 9987, 202],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 202]])
tensor([[ 101, 2001, 2034, 1045, 202, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 101, 1999, 2808, 202, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 2020],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 202, 0, 0, 0],
[ 101, 2012, 3832, 4027, 3454, 2020, 3454, 9987, 202]])
Answered By - Valentina Biryukova
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