I built a Decision Tree in python and I am struggling to interpret it. The tree look like as picture below.
This a Churn model result. I want to know how can I interpret the following:
1. Number of children at home <=3.5 (Integer)
2. MaritalStatus_M <= 0.5 (M- Married in here and was a binary. I was expecting either MaritalStatus_M=0 or =1)
3. Sales Reason_Price<=0.5 (Binary. I was expecting either Sales Reason_Price=0 or =1)
4. Tenure_Months<= 0.5 (Integer)
There are some internal reasons why split decisions in trees prefer a <=
relation (rather than equality, even if the latter might seem to make more sense for a human reader), but such representation details should not pose any difficulty in the interpretation, which is what you are asking about here.
So, practically speaking:
children <= 3.5
meansless than four children
(assuming variable is integer)MaritalStatus_M <= 0.5
for a binary variable meansMaritalStatus_M==0
(i.e.not married
)Sales Reason_Price<=0.5
for a binary variable meansSales Reason_Price==0
Tenure_Months<= 0.5
(assuming variable is integer)
Answered By - desertnaut
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