I have used pd.wide_to_long() to create a longer df. I want to create a new column called "Bodyweight" that takes the value from the "Load" column when the exercise == "bodyweight" and displays it for each row entry for an athlete on that date. the current layout is:
Date Player_Name Exercise Set Reps Load
0 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 1 5 120
1 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 2 5 120
2 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 3 5 120
3 Day 1 Player 1 Bodyweight 1 1 100
4 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 1 5 180
5 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 2 5 180
6 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 3 5 180
7 Day 2 Player 1 Bodyweight 1 1 101.5
8 Day 1 Player 2 Chin up 1 3 125
9 Day 1 Player 2 Bodyweight 1 1 92
Date Player_Name Bodyweight Exercise Set Reps Load
0 Day 1 Player 1 100 Bench Press 1 5 120
1 Day 1 Player 1 100 Bench Press 2 5 120
2 Day 1 Player 1 100 Bench Press 3 5 120
3 Day 2 Player 1 101.5 Squat 1 5 180
4 Day 2 Player 1 101.5 Squat 2 5 180
5 Day 2 Player 1 101.5 Squat 3 5 180
6 Day 1 Player 2 92 Chin up 1 3 125
I have tried:
df["Body_Weight"] = df[df["Exercise"] == "Body Weight"]["Load"]
to create a new column but this does not repeat the value for each entry of that player on that date.
Any help would be great! Thanks, Liam
Create a boolean mask and transform
to broadcast the Load
value of Bodyweight
to each row of the group:
m = df['Exercise'] == 'Bodyweight'
bw = df.groupby(['Date', 'Player_Name'])['Load'].transform(lambda x: x[m].max())[~m]
out = df.assign(Body_Weight=bw)[~m]
# Output
Date Player_Name Exercise Set Reps Load Body_Weight
0 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 1 5 120.0 100.0
1 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 2 5 120.0 100.0
2 Day 1 Player 1 Bench Press 3 5 120.0 100.0
4 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 1 5 180.0 101.5
5 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 2 5 180.0 101.5
6 Day 2 Player 1 Squat 3 5 180.0 101.5
8 Day 1 Player 2 Chin up 1 3 125.0 92.0
Answered By - Corralien
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