I'm making a telegram channel admin control script that needs checking channel in a loop. I also want some message handlers checking for messages. Here is a part of my code:
async def main():
while True:
.... (some code)
log=await client.get_admin_log(await client.get_entity(chat),limit=1)
.... (some code here)
async def message_handler(m):
.... (handle messages)
If i use client.loop.run_until_complete(main()), message handler won't work but main runs prefectly. and if I use client.run_until_disconnected() and run main in another loop using another thread, it stucks at get_admin_log. now what shall I do? (I tried to run main in message handler when a specefic message arrives(I send it manually when I run it) . it runned main but handled messages no more)
Try async while, and if posible try to use another code(dont use while) beacase its endless.
Answered By - Drandroidam
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