I'm trying to feed the all features (except the first one) to some layers (nn.Linear + nn.LeakyReLU), get the output, then reassemble the initial data structure and feed it to the last layers. But the training process just hangs forever and I don't get any output.
To be clear, the code works fine without this, but I'm trying to improve the results by preprocessing some of the features before feeding them (with the unprocessed first feature) to the last layer.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is my code:
def forward(self, x):
# save the residual for the skip connection
res = x[:, :, 0:self.skip]
xSignal = np.zeros((len(x),len(x[0]),1))
xParams = np.zeros((len(x),len(x[0]),len(x[0][0])-1))
# separate data
for b in range(len(x)):
for c in range(len(x[b])):
for d in range(len(x[b][c])):
if d == 0:
xSignal[b][c][d] = x[b][c][d]
xParams[b][c][d-1] = x[b][c][d]
# pass parameters through first network
xParams = torch.from_numpy(xParams).cuda().float()
xParams = self.paramsLinear(xParams)
xParams = self.paramsLeakyRelu(xParams)
# make new array with output and the signal
xConcat = np.zeros((len(x),len(x[0]),len(x[0][0])))
for b in range(len(x)):
for c in range(len(x[b])):
for d in range(len(x[b][c])):
if d == 0:
xConcat[b][c][d] = xSignal[b][c][d]
xConcat[b][c][d] = xParams[b][c][d-1]
# convert to tensor
xConcat = torch.from_numpy(xConcat).cuda().float()
# pass it through the recurrent part
xConcat, self.hidden = self.rec(xConcat, self.hidden)
# then the linear part and return
return self.lin(xConcat) + res```
Well, as it turns out, slicing is WAY faster and easier than iterating. And I also used
function to put everything back in one tensor.
def forward(self, x):
# save the residual for the skip connection
res = x[:, :, 0:self.skip]
# split features
xSignal = x[:, :, 0:1]
xParams = x[:, :, 1:]
# pass only some features through first layers
xParams = self.paramsLinear(xParams)
xParams = self.paramsLeakyRelu(xParams)
# put everything back together
x =, xParams), 2)
# pass it through the last layers
x, self.hidden = self.rec(x, self.hidden)
# then the linear part and return
return self.lin(x) + res
It's now training as expected :)
Answered By - Vítor Manfredini
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