The question pretty straight forward. When I click on an item from the listbox it opens another window with information and buttons. However after closing that Window and hitting the search button (with or without values in names) it will open that window again due to still being selected I think. Below is a shortened version and runable program I'm using.
Update: using python version 3.8.2 pysimplegui version 4.55.1
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
name = ''
info_string = '' #created in create_string() to update text in secondary_gui()
list_index = 0 #created in user() to update user information in add_point()
choices = [] #created in search() to update listbox in main_gui()
index = [] #created in main_gui() to get that users information from dataframe by cross refrencing name
list_info = [] #created in user() to get list of that users information
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'points'],
data=np.array([['James', 2],
['josh', 12],
['charles', 5]
def maingui():
global name
global choices
global index
layout = [[sg.Text('name', size=(6, 1)), sg.Input(key='-Name-')],
[sg.Button('Search'), sg.Button('Add user'), sg.Button('Close')],
[sg.Listbox(choices, size=(51, len(choices)), key='-CName-', enable_events=True, bind_return_key=True)]
window = sg.Window('users', layout)
while True:
event, values =
name = values['-Name-']
if event == 'Close' or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == 'Search':
#find match using name
#update listbox choices
#if event == '-CName-' and len(values['-CName-']):
if values['-CName-']:
#check information of user clicked from listbox
index = values['-CName-']
#window['-CName-'].enable_click_events = False
#values['-CName-'] = False
#sg.popup('selected', values['-CName-'])
def secondary_gui():
global info_string
layout = [[sg.Text(info_string, key='-CInfo-')],
[sg.Button('Add Point')]]
window = sg.Window('user Information', layout)
while True:
event, values =
if event == 'Close' or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
def search():
global name
global choices
global df
df1 = df
# find name in gsheet
if name:
df1 = df1.loc[df1['name'].str.contains(name, case=False)]
# create list that GUI can read properly
cdf = df1.values.tolist()
choices = cdf
def user():
global index
global info_string
global list_index
global list_info
global df
global name
# index is nested list, get correct values corresponding to list
name = index[0][0]
df1 = df
# create list based on matching name
df1 = df1.loc[df1['name'].str.contains(name, case=False)]
# get user index used for when updating user information(add_point())
list_index = df1.index #used in function not shown
# create list of user to update user values(add_point())
list_info = df1.stack().to_list()
def create_string():
global info_string
global list_info
print('creating string')
# create string for usergui window text
info_string = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in list_info])
I've tried setting values['-CName-'] = False
, using sg.popup
instead of a window. Updated the enable_click_events to False on line 47. No luck.
I checked the listbox demo program on github which doesnt have this issue. The difference that stood out to me was
if event == '-LIST-' and len(values['-LIST-']):
instead of if values['-CName-']:
but that didn't seem to work in my case when I swapped out -LIST- for -CName-.
My other idea is to somehow use tkinter and use its functions in here
It is caused by the programming logic,
if values['-CName-']:
This statement in event loop will be executed no matter when event is, besides events sg.WIN_CLOSED
and 'Close'
, that's why it will popup secondary gui after you click search.
When you click search button first time, this if will be false, so no popup window.
If it is specified for event '-CName-'
to popup secondary window, you may need to specify it to
elif event == '-CName-' and values['-CName-']:
It means listbox clicked and with some item(s) selected.
If you need to unselect item from listbox,
Answered By - Jason Yang
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