I am downloading content from a website with a very strict rate limit. If I exceed 10 req/sec, I am banned for 10 minutes. I have been using the following code to rate limit AIOHTTP:
import time
class RateLimitedClientSession:
"""Rate Limited Client.
client (aiohttp.ClientSession): A client to call
rate_limit (int): Maximum number of requests per second to make
def __init__(self, client, rate_limit):
self.client = client
self.rate_limit = rate_limit
self.max_tokens = rate_limit
self.tokens = self.max_tokens
self.updated_at = time.monotonic()
self.start = time.monotonic()
async def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for ``client.get`` that first waits for a token."""
await self.wait_for_token()
return self.client.get(*args, **kwargs)
async def wait_for_token(self):
"""Sleeps until a new token is added."""
while self.tokens < 1:
await asyncio.sleep(0.03) # Arbitrary delay, must be small though.
self.tokens -= 1
def add_new_tokens(self):
"""Adds a new token if time elapsed is greater than minimum time."""
now = time.monotonic()
time_since_update = now - self.updated_at
new_tokens = time_since_update * self.rate_limit
if self.tokens + new_tokens >= 1:
self.tokens = min(self.tokens + new_tokens, self.max_tokens)
self.updated_at = now
Then I can use it as such:
from aiohttp import ClientSession, TCPConnector
limit = 9 # 9 requests per second
inputs = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3', ...]
conn = TCPConnector(limit=limit)
raw_client = ClientSession(connector=conn, headers={'Connection': 'keep-alive'})
async with raw_client:
session = RateLimitedClientSession(raw_client, limit)
tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(download_link(link, session)) for link in inputs]
for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
await task
async def download_link(link, session):
async with await session.get(link) as resp:
data = await
# Then write data to a file
My issue is that the code will work correctly for a random amount of times, usually between 100 and 2000. Then, it exits due to hitting the rate limit. I suspect this has to do with the latency of my internet.
For example, imagine a 3 request/second limit.
+ REQ 1
+ REQ 2
+ REQ 3
+ REQ 4
+ REQ 5
+ REQ 6
With a little bit of lag, this might look like
+ REQ 1
+ REQ 2
+ REQ 3 - rolled over from previous second due to internet speed
+ REQ 4
+ REQ 5
+ REQ 6
Which then triggers the rate limit.
What can I do to minimize the chance of this happening?
I have already tried lowering the rate limit, and it does work for a longer period of time but still eventually hits the rate limit.
I have also tried firing each request 1/10 a second apart, but this still triggers the rate limit (perhaps for unrelated reasons?).
I decided that the best solution was to batch the requests into groups, and await the missing time. I no longer use a rate-limiting wrapper around AIOHTTP.
async def download_link(link, session):
async with await session.get(link) as resp:
data = await
# Then write data to a file
def batch(iterable, n):
l = len(iterable)
for ndx in range(0, l, n):
yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]
rate_limit = 10
conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=rate_limit)
client = aiohttp.ClientSession(
connector=conn, headers={'Connection': 'keep-alive'}, raise_for_status=True)
async with client:
for group in batch(inputs, rate_limit):
start = time.monotonic()
tasks = [download_link(link, client) for link in group]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # If results are needed they can be assigned here
execution_time = time.monotonic() - start
# If execution time > 1, requests are essentially wasted, but a small price to pay
await asyncio.sleep(max(0, 1 - execution_time))
Answered By - PAS
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