I'm trying to display my result on an HTML page (index.html) in a list of links. I have two lists, first containing all the WebSite Name and the second their links. I want to display the name as clickable items.
My Lists :
name_list = ['Name1','Name2','Name3']
link_list = ['Link1','Link2','Link3']
What my Python code returns:
return render_template('index.html' , name_list =name_list , link_list =link_list , len1 = len(name_list ))
HTML code:
{% for i in range(0, len1) %}
<li><a href={{link_list[i]}} >{{ name_list[i] }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
But I have two Errors:
First with the len1
, because when I change my code to range(0, 5)
(or any int) this line works.
TypeError: 'Undefined' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
The second occured when I'm adding the postion of the element I want name_list[i]
jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'name_list' is undefined
Here is a simple approach to solve your problem:
You combine the two lists with the python's builtin function zip()
name_list = ['Name1','Name2','Name3']
link_list = ['Link1','Link2','Link3']
name_link_list = zip(name_list, link_list)
You simply return this:
return render_template('index.html' , name_link_list=name_link_list)
This returns a list of tuples of the form [('Name1', 'Link1'), ('Name2', 'Link2'), ...]
, which you get in your HTML code using the index of each element. 0 for the name, 1 for the link.
And finally your HTML code:
{% for i in name_link_list %}
<li><a href={{i[1]}} >{{ i[0] }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Answered By - Tobin
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