I am new with Jupyter
, and I use Amazon SageMaker so that everything is cloud based and not local. I cannot use any resources locally, nor can I install Jupyter
on this local computer that I want to do this on, so I cannot use the command line to put :
jupyter nbconvert Jupyter\ Slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve
So, I am struggling to find a way to convert my notebook to a slideshow NOT using command line. Thanks in advance!
You can follow below steps to convert your notebook to slides on AWS Sagemaker (tried on sagemaker notebook instance) without installing any extensions.
Step 1: Follow this article to chose which cells in your notebook can be presented or skipped. - Go to View → Cell Toolbar → Slideshow - A light gray bar will appear above each cell with a scroll down window on the top right - Select type of slide each cell should be - regular slide, sub-slide, skip, notes
Step 2: Go to Sagemaker notebook home page and open terminal
Step 3: Change directory in the instance where your notebook exists
Step 4: Clone reveal.js
in the directory where notebook exists from github. reveal.js
is used for rendering HTML file as presentation.
Step 5: Run the below command (same as in your question) to convert the notebook to slides without serving them (since there is no browser on the Sagemaker instance). This will just convert notebook to slides html.
jupyter nbconvert Image-classification-fulltraining.ipynb --to slides
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook Image-classification-fulltraining.ipynb to slides
[NbConvertApp] Writing 346423 bytes to Image-classification-fulltraining.slides.html
Step 6: Now open the html file from Sagemaker notebook file browser
Now you can see the notebook rendered as slides based on how setup each cell in your notebook in Step 1
Hope it helps.
Answered By - raj
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