I know this is a frequently asked question, however I do not have access to the Counter module as I'm using v2.6 of Python. I want to count the number of time a specific key appears in a list of dictionaries.
If my dictionary looks like this:
data = [{'a':1, 'b':1}, {'a':1, 'c':1}, {'b':1, 'c':1}, {'a':1, 'c':1}, {'a':1, 'd':1}]
How would I find out how many times "a" appears? I've tried using len, but that only returns the number of values for one key.
You can use list comprehension.
data = [{'a':1, 'b':1}, {'a':1, 'c':1}, {'b':1, 'c':1}, {'a':1, 'c':1}, {'a':1, 'd':1}]
sum([1 for d in data if 'a' in d])
Explanation: First take the dictionary object from list data, check if key 'a' is present in the dictionary or not, if present, add 1 to the list. Then sum the new list.
Answered By - shaeed
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