I am programming a python user interface to control various instruments in a lab. If a script is not run interactively, the connection with instruments is lost at the end of the script, which can be very bad. I want to help the user to 'remember' running the script interactively.
I'm thinking of two possible ways to do it. First, as specified in the title, I could make an alias for run -i
%alias_magic lab_run run -i
but this returns an error:
UsageError: unrecognized arguments: -i
Is there a way to get around this?
Alternatively, I could detect inside the script if the -i
flag was passed on and raise en error if not. However, it doesn't show up in the sys.argv
In [1]: import sys
In [2]: run -i random args
['', 'random', 'args']
I can't use ipy files, because I need to read %run flags, as explained in my previous question here: How to add a custom flag to IPython's magic commands? (.ipy files)
Anyone sees a solution to this problem?
You can define your own magic function and use %run -i
in it:
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic
def r(line):
get_ipython().magic('run -i ' + line)
del r
As hpaulj points out magic
is deprecated. Here a version with the new
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic
def r(line):
get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', ' -i ' + line)
del r
does the same as:
%run -i
Answered By - Mike Müller
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