Is there any solution that can show SVG without HTML tags using Flask ?
I'm building project similar to this project,which allow user to show their current stats on their static website by generating image(in SVG) user's stats .
According to my understanding , the concept is :
- using GET parameters to specify user's data , theme ... etc
- the server query the user's data
- the server return a svg with user's data
Example from the repository :
The result of the example :
I wrote the backend in python Flask
However , I can't find a solution to show only svg by flask
I have tried render_template()
method or return
raw string of SVG , neither of them could show only SVG without html tag
- using
@app.route("/test_rend" , methods=['GET'])
def Test_rend():
return render_template("img.svg")
- return raw string of SVG
@app.route("/test_raw" , methods=['GET'])
def Test_raw():
return '''
<svg width="100px" height="100px" xmlns="">
<rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="white" />
<circle cx="50%" cy="45%" r="40%" fill-opacity="0" style="stroke:green; stroke-width:6%; " />
<text x="20%" y="47%" fill="blue" font-size="1.3em" font-weight="bold">ZERO</text>
<text x="26%" y="65%" fill="blue" font-size="1em" font-weight="900" >JUDGE</text>
<line x1="5%" y1="10%" x2="95%" y2="10%" style="stroke:white; stroke-width:30%; "/>
<line x1="5%" y1="20%" x2="95%" y2="20%" style="stroke:green; stroke-width:10%; "/>
<line x1="5%" y1="25%" x2="95%" y2="25%" style="stroke:white; stroke-width:5%; "/>
the result of both code :
Is there any solution that can show SVG without HTML tags using Flask ?
In order to serve the data as a pure SVG file, it is necessary to define the mimetype of the response. The browser thus identifies the file using the 'Content-Type' header and interprets it correctly.
This example shows the use of raw data.
def index():
svg = '''
<svg width="100px" height="100px" xmlns="">
<rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="white" />
<circle cx="50%" cy="45%" r="40%" fill-opacity="0" style="stroke:green; stroke-width:6%; " />
<text x="20%" y="47%" fill="blue" font-size="1.3em" font-weight="bold">ZERO</text>
<text x="26%" y="65%" fill="blue" font-size="1em" font-weight="900" >JUDGE</text>
<line x1="5%" y1="10%" x2="95%" y2="10%" style="stroke:white; stroke-width:30%; "/>
<line x1="5%" y1="20%" x2="95%" y2="20%" style="stroke:green; stroke-width:10%; "/>
<line x1="5%" y1="25%" x2="95%" y2="25%" style="stroke:white; stroke-width:5%; "/>
return app.response_class(svg, mimetype='image/svg+xml')
Using render_template
it would look like this.
def index():
return app.response_class(
Answered By - Detlef
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