I'm using Flask 1.0.2 with Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04. My app should use asyncio and asyncio.create_subprocess_exec()
to lauch a background script, read stdout from it, and then return status when the script is done.
I am basically trying to implement an answer from this post: Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python
The script is successfully launched, and I get all of my expected output from it, but the problem is that it never returns ( meaning the Killing subprocess now
line is never reached). When I check the process list (ps
) from the Linux terminal, the background script has exited.
What am I doing wrong and how can I successfully break out of the async for line in process.stdout
At the top of my file after my imports I create my event loop:
# Create a loop to run all the tasks in.
global eventLoop ; asyncio.set_event_loop(None)
eventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
I define my async coroutine above my route:
async def readAsyncFunctionAndKill(cmd):
# Use global event loop
global eventLoop
print("[%s] Starting async Training Script ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(cmd,stdout=PIPE,loop=eventLoop)
print("[%s] Starting to read stdout ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
async for line in process.stdout:
line = line.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False))
print("%s"%line, flush=True)
print("[%s] Killing subprocess now ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
print("[%s] Training process return code was: %s" % (os.path.basename(__file__), process.returncode))
return await process.wait() # wait for the child process to exit
And my (abbreviated) route is here:
@app.route("/train_model", methods=["GET"])
def train_new_model():
# Use global event loop
global eventLoop
with closing(eventLoop):
return jsonify("done"), 200
The "" script called is marked as executable and is in the same working directory. The abbreviated script is shown here ( it contains several subprocesses and instantiates PyTorch classes ):
def main():
# Ensure that swap is activated since we don't have enough RAM to train our model otherwise
print("[%s] Activating swap now ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))"swapon -a", shell=True)
# Need to initialize GPU
print("[%s] Initializing GPU ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
defaults.device = torch.device("cuda")
with torch.cuda.device(0):
print("[%s] Cuda is Available: %s - with Name: %s ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__),torch.cuda.is_available(),torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)))
print("[%s] Beginning to train new model and replace existing model ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
# Batch size
bs = 16
#bs = 8
# Create ImageBunch
tfms = get_transforms(do_flip=True,
# Create databunch using folder names as class names
# This also applies the transforms and batch size to the data
data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder("TrainingData", ds_tfms=tfms, train='.', valid_pct=0.2, bs=bs)
# Create a new learner with an early stop callback
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet18, metrics=[accuracy], callback_fns=[
partial(EarlyStoppingCallback, monitor='accuracy', min_delta=0.01, patience=3)])
print("[%s] All done training ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__)))
# Success
except Exception as err:
print("[%s] Error training model [ %s ] ..." % (os.path.basename(__file__),err))
if __name__== "__main__":
There are several concerns here:
You are creating a new event loop on import, once, but close the event loop in your view. There is no need to close the loop, at all, because a second request will now fail because the loop is closed.
The asyncio event loop is not thread safe, and should not be shared between threads. The vast majority of Flask deployments will use threads to handle incoming requests. Your code carries echoes of how this should be handled instead but unfortunately it is not the correct approach. E.g.
is mostly redundant becauseeventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
, if run on the main thread, already does exactly that.This is the main candidate for the issues you are seeing.
Your code assumes that the executable is in fact present and executable. You should be handling
exceptions (and subclasses), because an
would only work if it is made executable, starts with a#!
shebang line and is found on thePATH
. It won't work just because it is in the same directory, nor would you want to rely on the current working directory anyway.Your code assumes that the process closes stdout at some point. If the subprocess never closes stdout (something that happens automatically when the process exits) then your
async for line in process.stdout:
loop will wait forever too. Consider adding timeouts to the code to avoid getting blocked on a faulty subprocess.
There are two sections in the Python asyncio documentation that you really would want to read when using asyncio subprocesses in a multi-threaded application:
The Concurrency and Multithreading section, explaining that Almost all asyncio objects are not thread safe. You don't want to add tasks to the loop from other threads directly; you want to either use an event loop per thread, or use the
function to run a coroutine on a loop in a specific thread.For Python versions up to 3.7, you also need to read the Subprocess and Threads section, because up until that version
uses a non-blockingos.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
call to track child state and relies on using signal handling (which can only be done on the main thread). Python 3.8 removed this restriction (by adding a new child watcher implementation that uses a blocking per-processos.waitpid()
call in a separate thread, at the expense of extra memory.You don't have to stick to the default child watcher strategy, however. You can use
and passing in a different process watcher instance. In practice that means backporting the 3.8ThreadedChildWatcher
For your use case, there really no need to need to run a new event loop per thread. Run a single loop, in a separate thread as needed. If you use a loop in a separate thread, depending on your Python version, you may need to have a running loop on the main thread as well or use a different process watcher. Generally speaking, running an asyncio loop on the main thread in a WSGI server is not going to be easy or even possible.
So you need to run a loop, permanently, in a separate thread, and you need to use a child process watcher that works without a main thread loop. Here is an implementation for just that, and this should work for Python versions 3.6 and newer:
import asyncio
import itertools
import logging
import time
import threading
# Python 3.8 or newer has a suitable process watcher
except AttributeError:
# backport the Python 3.8 threaded child watcher
import os
import warnings
# Python 3.7 preferred API
_get_running_loop = getattr(asyncio, "get_running_loop", asyncio.get_event_loop)
class _Py38ThreadedChildWatcher(asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher):
def __init__(self):
self._pid_counter = itertools.count(0)
self._threads = {}
def is_active(self):
return True
def close(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def __del__(self, _warn=warnings.warn):
threads = [t for t in list(self._threads.values()) if t.is_alive()]
if threads:
f"{self.__class__} has registered but not finished child processes",
def add_child_handler(self, pid, callback, *args):
loop = _get_running_loop()
thread = threading.Thread(
args=(loop, pid, callback, args),
self._threads[pid] = thread
def remove_child_handler(self, pid):
# asyncio never calls remove_child_handler() !!!
# The method is no-op but is implemented because
# abstract base class requires it
return True
def attach_loop(self, loop):
def _do_waitpid(self, loop, expected_pid, callback, args):
assert expected_pid > 0
pid, status = os.waitpid(expected_pid, 0)
except ChildProcessError:
# The child process is already reaped
# (may happen if waitpid() is called elsewhere).
pid = expected_pid
returncode = 255
"Unknown child process pid %d, will report returncode 255", pid
if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
returncode = -os.WTERMSIG(status)
elif os.WIFEXITED(status):
returncode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
returncode = status
if loop.get_debug():
"process %s exited with returncode %s", expected_pid, returncode
if loop.is_closed():
logger.warning("Loop %r that handles pid %r is closed", loop, pid)
loop.call_soon_threadsafe(callback, pid, returncode, *args)
# add the watcher to the loop policy
__all__ = ["EventLoopThread", "get_event_loop", "stop_event_loop", "run_coroutine"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EventLoopThread(threading.Thread):
loop = None
_count = itertools.count(0)
def __init__(self):
name = f"{type(self).__name__}-{next(self._count)}"
super().__init__(name=name, daemon=True)
def __repr__(self):
loop, r, c, d = self.loop, False, True, False
if loop is not None:
r, c, d = loop.is_running(), loop.is_closed(), loop.get_debug()
return (
f"<{type(self).__name__} {} id={self.ident} "
f"running={r} closed={c} debug={d}>"
def run(self):
self.loop = loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
shutdown_asyncgens = loop.shutdown_asyncgens()
except AttributeError:
def stop(self):
loop, self.loop = self.loop, None
if loop is None:
_lock = threading.Lock()
_loop_thread = None
def get_event_loop():
global _loop_thread
if _loop_thread is None:
with _lock:
if _loop_thread is None:
_loop_thread = EventLoopThread()
# give the thread up to a second to produce a loop
deadline = time.time() + 1
while not _loop_thread.loop and time.time() < deadline:
return _loop_thread.loop
def stop_event_loop():
global _loop_thread
with _lock:
if _loop_thread is not None:
_loop_thread = None
def run_coroutine(coro):
return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, get_event_loop())
The above is the same general 'run async with Flask' solution as I posted for Make a Python asyncio call from a Flask route, but with the addition of the ThreadedChildWatcher
You can then use the loop returned from get_event_loop()
to run child processes, by calling run_coroutine_threadsafe()
import asyncio
import locale
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_command_output(cmd, timeout=None):
encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
async def run_async():
process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError:
logging.exception("Process %s could not be started", cmd)
async for line in process.stdout:
line = line.decode(encoding)
# TODO: actually do something with the data.
print(line, flush=True)
logging.debug("Process for %s exiting with %i", cmd, process.returncode)
return await process.wait()
future = run_coroutine(run_async())
result = None
result = future.result(timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
logger.warn('The child process took too long, cancelling the task...')
except Exception as exc:
logger.exception(f'The child process raised an exception')
return result
Note that the above function can take a timeout, in seconds, the maximum amount of time you'll wait for the subprocess to complete.
Answered By - Martijn Pieters
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