I have a python script that loads a csv file using pandas, and then uses pgmpy to learn a bayesian network over the data.
After learning the structure, I am drawing the graph using the function:
nx.draw(graph_model, node_color='#00b4d9', with_labels=True)
This works perfectly in Ubuntu, However, it is throwing a StopIteration error in a virtual machine running Mac that I use to compile a Mac version.
The error it is throwing is the following (I've removed the paths because it contains the name of the project and this is unpublished work):
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/ split_path_inout
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/ _shrink
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/ _call_
<path>/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ _connectionstyle
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/ _get_path_in_displaycoord
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/ get_path
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ _update_patch_limits
<path>/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ add_patch
<path>/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ _draw_networkx_edges_fancy_arrow_patch
<path>/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ draw_networkx_edges
<path>/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ draw_networkx
<path>/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ draw
<path>/bayesian_network/ <module>
I have checked that the learned graph has nodes and edges. If I try to draw a graph with only one node, it works.
I have already upgraded all of my packages, including pgmpy, matplotlib and networkx.
Could this problem be related to the code being executed in a virtual machine running Mac? I currently have no access to a real Mac machine to test it.
I finally solved it by adding the position as a circular layout. Looks like in the previous version, it automatically did this, but in the new version that was installed in the virtual machine don't.
pos = nx.circular_layout(graph_model)
nx.draw(graph_model, node_color='#00b4d9', pos=pos, with_labels=True)
Answered By - Alberto Casas Ortiz
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