i have one text file called as sample.txt.That text file contains some data like this
0: 480x640 2 persons, 1 tv, 1: 480x640 5 persons, 2 tvs, 1 oven, Done. (0.759s) Mon, 04 April 11:39:48 status : Low
0: 480x640 2 persons, 1 tv, 1: 480x640 4 persons, 3 chairs, 1 oven, Done. (0.763s) Mon, 04 April 11:39:50 status : High
This kind of data inside in sample text.
I tried this code to convert text file into json format
cam_details = pd.read_csv('sample.txt', sep=r'(?:,\s*|^)(?:\d+: \d+x\d+|Done[^)]+\)\s*)',
header=None, engine='python', names=(None, 'a', 'b', 'date', 'status')).iloc[:, 1:]
cam_details.to_json('output.json', orient = "records", date_format = "epoch", double_precision = 10,
force_ascii = True, date_unit = "ms", default_handler = None)
i have tried this code but i didnt get right format json. now how to convert text into above mention json format using pandas dataframe delimiter.
i got output like this
"a": " 2 persons, 1 tv, 1 laptop, 1 clock",
"b": " 4 persons, 1 car, 1 bottle, 3 chairs, 2 tvs, 1 oven",
"date": "Mon, 04 April 11:39:51 status : Low"
Now i expected to convert it into as json file like this
"a": " 2 persons, 1 tv, 1 laptop, 1 clock",
"b": " 5 persons, 1 bottle, 3 chairs, 2 tvs, 1 cell phone, 1 oven",
"date": "Mon, 04 April 11:39:48" ,
"status": "Low"
"a": " 2 persons, 1 tv, 1 laptop, 2 clocks",
"b": " 4 persons, 1 car, 3 chairs, 2 tvs, 1 laptop, 1 oven",
"date": "Mon, 04 April 11:39:50",
"status": "Low"
} ]
It seems the problem is with the status
part not being separated by a delimiter. You can fight it by adding some processing in pandas to split the date column on the status keyword and stripping out the colon before writing to json:
# Splits the date part and the status part into two columns (your status is being dragged into the date column)
cam_details[['date', 'status']] = cam_details['date'].map(lambda x: x.split('status')).tolist()
# Clean up the status column which still has the colons and extra whitespaces
cam_details['status'] = cam_details['status'].map(lambda x: x.replace(':', '').strip())
Answered By - rcshon
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