Edited - The issue I was having is that I was approaching this as if the first element in the list was all of the dicts themselves, thus stating results_dict
with [0]
. By doing that, I was continually only referencing the first dict in the list.
Iterating over the JSON response below is creating the same duplicate results in the list I am appending to, rather than iterating over each dict and appending each unique value.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
results_dict = [{'keywordText': 'fake toddler makeup', 'matchType': 'broad'}, {'keywordText': 'kid makeup kit girl', 'matchType': 'broad'}, {'keywordText': 'toddler makeup', 'matchType': 'broad'}]
asins = ['B087CRJ6KZ', 'B08QVDGPG4']
results = {}
suggested_kws = []
for asin in asins:
for kw in results_dict:
kw = results_dict[0]['keywordText']
results[asin] = suggested_kws
current result:
{'B087CRJ6KZ': ['fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup'],
'B08QVDGPG4': ['fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup', 'fake toddler makeup']}
expected result:
{'B087CRJ6KZ': ['fake toddler makeup', 'kid makeup kit girl', 'toddler makeup'],
'B08QVDGPG4': ['fake toddler makeup', 'kid makeup kit girl', 'toddler makeup']}
You can use a dict-comprehension here.
results_dict = [{'keywordText': 'fake toddler makeup', 'matchType': 'broad'}, {'keywordText': 'kid makeup kit girl', 'matchType': 'broad'}, {'keywordText': 'toddler makeup', 'matchType': 'broad'}]
asins = ['B087CRJ6KZ', 'B08QVDGPG4']
results = {a: [x['keywordText'] for x in results_dict] for a in asins}
Answered By - OneCricketeer
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