My current code functions and produces a graph if there is only 1 sensor, i.e. if col2, and col3 are deleted in the example data provided below, leaving one column.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d = {'col1': [-2587.944231, -1897.324231,-2510.304231,-2203.814231,-2105.734231,-2446.964231,-2963.904231,-2177.254231, 2796.354231,-2085.304231], 'col2': [-3764.468462,-3723.608462,-3750.168462,-3694.998462,-3991.268462,-3972.878462,3676.608462,-3827.808462,-3629.618462,-1841.758462,], 'col3': [-166.1357692,-35.36576923, 321.4157692,108.9257692,-123.2257692, -10.84576923, -100.7457692, 89.27423077, -211.0857692, 101.5342308]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
sensors = 3
window_size = 5
dfn = df.rolling(window_size).corr(pairwise = True)
index = df.index #index of values in the data frame.
rows = len(index) #len(index) returns number of rows in the data.
sensors = 3
baseline_num = [0]*(rows) #baseline numerator, by default zero
baseline = [0]*(rows) #initialize baseline value
baseline = DataFrame(baseline)
baseline_num = DataFrame(baseline_num)
v = [None]*(rows) # Initialize an empty array v[] equal to amount of rows in .csv file
s = [None]*(rows) #Initialize another empty array for the slope values for detecting when there is an exposure
d = [0]*(rows)
sensors_on = True #Is the sensor detecting something (True) or not (False).
off_count = 0
off_require = 8 # how many offs until baseline is updated
sensitivity = 1000
for i in range(0, (rows)): #This iterates over each index value, i.e. each row, and sums the values and returns them in list format.
v[i] = dfn.loc[i].to_numpy().sum() - sensors
for colname,colitems in df.iteritems():
for rownum,rowitem in colitems.iteritems():
#d[rownum] = dfone.loc[rownum].to_numpy()
#d[colname][rownum] = df.loc[colname][rownum]
if v[rownum] >= sensitivity:
sensors_on = True
off_count = 0
baseline_num[rownum] = 0
sensors_on = False
off_count += 1
if off_count == off_require:
for x in range(0, (off_require)):
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += df[colname][rownum - x]
elif off_count > off_require:
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += baseline_num[colname][rownum - 1] + df[colname][rownum] - (df[colname][rownum - off_require]) #this loop is just an optimization, one calculation per loop once the first calculation is established
baseline[colname][rownum] = ((baseline_num[colname][rownum])//(off_require)) #mean of the last "off_require" points
dfx = DataFrame(v, columns =['Sensor Correlation']) #converts the summed correlation tables back from list format to a DataFrame, with the sole column name 'Sensor Correlation'
dft = pd.DataFrame(baseline, columns =['baseline'])
dft = dft.astype(float)
dfx.plot(figsize=(50,25), linewidth=5, fontsize=40) # plots dfx dataframe which contains correlated and summed data
dft.plot(figsize=(50,25), linewidth=5, fontsize=40)
Basically, instead of 1 graph as this produces, I would like to iterate over each column only for this loop:
for colname,colitems in df.iteritems():
for rownum,rowitem in colitems.iteritems():
#d[rownum] = dfone.loc[rownum].to_numpy()
#d[colname][rownum] = df.loc[colname][rownum]
if v[rownum] >= sensitivity:
sensors_on = True
off_count = 0
baseline_num[rownum] = 0
sensors_on = False
off_count += 1
if off_count == off_require:
for x in range(0, (off_require)):
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += df[colname][rownum - x]
elif off_count > off_require:
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += baseline_num[colname][rownum - 1] + df[colname][rownum] - (df[colname][rownum - off_require]) #this loop is just an optimization, one calculation per loop once the first calculation is established
I've tried some other solutions from other questions but none of them seem to solve this case. As of now, I've tried multiple conversions to things like lists and tuples, and then calling them something like this:
baseline_num[i,column] += d[i - x,column]
as well as
baseline_num[i][column += d[i - x][column]
while iterating over the loop using
for column in columns
However no matter how I seem to arrange the solution, there is always some keyerror of expecting integer or slice indices, among other errors. See pictures for expected/possible outputs of one column on actual data.with varying input parameters (sensitivity value, and off_require is varied in different cases.) One such solution which didn't work was the looping method from this link:
I've also tried creating a loop using iteritems as the outer loop. This did not function as well.
Below are links to possible graph outputs for various sensitivity values, and windows in my actual dataset, with only one column. (i.e i manually deleted other columns, and plotted just the one using the current program)
If there's anything I've left out that would be helpful to solving this, please let me know so I can rectify it immediately.
See this picture for my original df.head: df.head
Did you try,
for colname,colitems in df.iteritems():
for rownum,rowitem in colitems.iteritems():
The first loop iterates over all the columns, and the 2nd loops iterates over all the rows for that column.
From our conversation below, I think that your baseline and df dataframes don't have the same column names because of how you created them and how you are accessing the elements.
My suggestion is that you create the baseline dataframe to be a copy of your df dataframe and edit the information within it from there.
I have managed to make your code work for 1 loop, but I run into an index error, I am not sure what your optimisation function does but i think that is what is causing it, take a look.
It is this part baseline_num[colname][rownum - 1]
, in the second loop i guess because you do rownum (0) -1, you get index -1. You need to change it so that in the first loop rownum is 1 or something, I am not sure what you are trying to do there.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d = {'col1': [-2587.944231, -1897.324231,-2510.304231,-2203.814231,-2105.734231,-2446.964231,-2963.904231,-2177.254231, 2796.354231,-2085.304231], 'col2': [-3764.468462,-3723.608462,-3750.168462,-3694.998462,-3991.268462,-3972.878462,3676.608462,-3827.808462,-3629.618462,-1841.758462,], 'col3': [-166.1357692,-35.36576923, 321.4157692,108.9257692,-123.2257692, -10.84576923, -100.7457692, 89.27423077, -211.0857692, 101.5342308]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
sensors = 3
window_size = 5
dfn = df.rolling(window_size).corr(pairwise = True)
index = df.index #index of values in the data frame.
rows = len(index) #len(index) returns number of rows in the data.
sensors = 3
baseline_num = [0]*(rows) #baseline numerator, by default zero
baseline = [0]*(rows) #initialize baseline value
baseline = pd.DataFrame(df)
baseline_num = pd.DataFrame(df)
v = [None]*(rows) # Initialize an empty array v[] equal to amount of rows in .csv file
s = [None]*(rows) #Initialize another empty array for the slope values for detecting when there is an exposure
d = [0]*(rows)
sensors_on = True #Is the sensor detecting something (True) or not (False).
off_count = 0
off_require = 8 # how many offs until baseline is updated
sensitivity = 1000
for i in range(0, (rows)): #This iterates over each index value, i.e. each row, and sums the values and returns them in list format.
v[i] = dfn.loc[i].to_numpy().sum() - sensors
for colname,colitems in df.iteritems():
for rownum,rowitem in colitems.iteritems():
#d[rownum] = dfone.loc[rownum].to_numpy()
#d[colname][rownum] = df.loc[colname][rownum]
if v[rownum] >= sensitivity:
sensors_on = True
off_count = 0
baseline_num[rownum] = 0
sensors_on = False
off_count += 1
if off_count == off_require:
for x in range(0, (off_require)):
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += df[colname][rownum - x]
elif off_count > off_require:
baseline_num[colname][rownum] += baseline_num[colname][rownum - 1] + df[colname][rownum] - (df[colname][rownum - off_require]) #this loop is just an optimization, one calculation per loop once the first calculation is established
baseline[colname][rownum] = ((baseline_num[colname][rownum])//(off_require)) #mean of the last "off_require" points
dfx = pd.DataFrame(v, columns =['Sensor Correlation']) #converts the summed correlation tables back from list format to a DataFrame, with the sole column name 'Sensor Correlation'
dft = pd.DataFrame(baseline, columns =['baseline'])
dft = dft.astype(float)
dfx.plot(figsize=(50,25), linewidth=5, fontsize=40) # plots dfx dataframe which contains correlated and summed data
dft.plot(figsize=(50,25), linewidth=5, fontsize=40)
My output looks like this,
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
354 try:
--> 355 return self._range.index(new_key)
356 except ValueError as err:
ValueError: -1 is not in range
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
3 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
355 return self._range.index(new_key)
356 except ValueError as err:
--> 357 raise KeyError(key) from err
358 raise KeyError(key)
359 return super().get_loc(key, method=method, tolerance=tolerance)
KeyError: -1
Answered By - anarchy
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