I have started working with PyTorch and cannot figure it how I am supposed to find mean and std as the input parameters of normalise.
I have seen this
transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)) #
and in another example:
transformation = transforms.Compose([
]) #
so, how am I supposed to know or get these values if I have a set of images? Are these three parameters are related to R G B also?
suppose you have already X_train which is a list of numpy matrix eg. 32x32x3:
X_train = X_train / 255 #normalization of pixels
train_mean = X_train.reshape(3,-1).mean(axis=1)
train_std = X_train.reshape(3,-1).std(axis=1)
then you can pass this last 2 variables in your normalizer transformer :
transforms.Normalize(mean = train_mean ,std = train_std)
Answered By - Salvatore Pannozzo Capodiferro
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