I have a list that stores numpy arrays called Triangle
File "", line 63, in triangleCase
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
I also got
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'
but I haven't been able to replicate this
Edit: the function:
def triangleCase():
global Triangle, d
OA = Triangle[-1]
OB = Triangle[-2]
OC = Triangle[-3]
AB = OB - OA
AO = - OA
AC = OC - OA
ABperp = tripleProd(AC,AB,AB) #(AC x AB) x AB
ACperp = tripleProd(AB,AC,AC) #(AB x AC) x AC
if dot(ABperp, AO) > 0: #RAB
d = ABperp
return False
if dot(ACperp,AO) > 0: #RAC
d = ACperp
return False
return True #RABC
One value of Triangle an d that give an error is:
Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
Triangle: [array([-17.462565 , 20.63435875, 0. ]), array([31.69419203, -2.95257267, 0. ]), array([ 13.97174987, -18.31107765, 0. ]), array([-52.2462343 , 32.56502419, 0. ]), array([-8.3122833 , 64.51505875, 0. ]), array([ -4.82763387, -49.86062945, 0. ])]
d: [ 8.3122833 -64.51505875 -0. ]
from your error I understand that you try to remove an element from an array with remove. However, you cannot do it for an array. You need to do it like this :
def triangleCase():
global Triangle, d
OA = Triangle[-1]
OB = Triangle[-2]
OC = Triangle[-3]
AB = OB - OA
AO = - OA
AC = OC - OA
ABperp = tripleProd(AC,AB,AB)
ACperp = tripleProd(AB,AC,AC)
if dot(ABperp, AO) > 0: #RAB
d = ABperp
return False
if dot(ACperp,AO) > 0: #RAC
d = ACperp
return False
return True #RABC
Answered By - DataSciRookie
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