I recently started using Django and I managed to create two views, one to submit a form and another to return a FileResponse, separately, they work fine.
Now, I need to integrate both, when the client submit the form, I want to redirect to the another view using the fields submitted at the previous form. How can I do that?
Here is my form view:
def submitForm(request):
if 'report' in request.POST:
date_start = request.POST.get('date_start')
date_end = request.POST.get('date_end')
state = request.POST.get('state')
return render(request, 'comissao.html')
Here is my view that creates a pdf file
def createPdf(request):
date_start = '20220301'
date_end = '20220331'
state = 'G00471'
body = "some html"
options = { 'quiet': '' }
pdfkit.from_string(body, options=options)
file = open('file.pdf', 'rb')
return FileResponse(file)
As you can see, I need the information passed at my first view, to use at second view, I tried something like this, but I think I'm mistaking the concept,
return reverse('pdf', kwargs={'state':state, 'date_start':date_start, 'date_end':date_end})
only returns the URL, but I think you rather want to do a redirect()
to that view.
For passing the parameters you have several options:
- GET parameters
- Session
- URL parameters
Let's use GET parameters, which I would suggest:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def submitForm(request):
response = redirect('pdf')
params = { state' : state, 'date_start: date_start, 'date_end': date_end}
response['Location'] += f'?{urlencode(params)}'
return response
Then in your PDF view you need to parse the GET parameters:
def createPdf(request):
date_start = request.GET.get("date_start")
Note that you may also need to convert your dates into string and back for the query, which I ignored here.
Answered By - Erik Kalkoken
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