I want to build an autoencoder with LSTM layers. But, at the first step of the encoder, I got an error. Could you please help me with that? Here is the model which I tried to build:
import numpy
import torch.nn as nn
r_input = torch.nn.LSTM(1, 1, 28)
activation = nn.functional.relu
mu_r = nn.Linear(22, 6)
log_var_r = nn.Linear(22, 6)
y = np.random.rand(1, 1, 28)
def encode_r(y):
y = torch.reshape(y, (-1, 1, 28)) # torch.Size([batch_size, 1, 28])
hidden = torch.flatten(activation(r_input(y)), start_dim = 1)
z_mu = mu_r(hidden)
z_log_var = log_var_r(hidden)
return z_mu, z_log_var
But I got this error in my code:
RuntimeError: input.size(-1) must be equal to input_size. Expected 1, got 28.
You're not creating the layer in the correct way.
torch.nn.LSTM requires input_size
as the first argument, but your tensor has a dimension of 28. It seems that you want the encoder to output a tensor with a dimension of 22. You're also passing the batch as the first dimension, so you need to include batch_first=True
as an argument.
r_input = torch.nn.LSTM(28, 22, batch_first=True)
This should work for your specific setup. You should also note that LSTM returns 2 items, the first one is the one you want to use.
hidden = torch.flatten(activation(r_input(y)[0]), start_dim=1)
Please read the declaration on the official wiki for more information.
Answered By - Deusy94
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