I have a task in Celery that looks like this:
def task_one(user_id, *args, **kwargs):
# Long running task
This task is created in views
every time a user submits a form, the task requires a lot of resources and takes around 10 minutes on average to complete.
if request.method == 'POST':
I want to limit the number of task_one
tasks created per user to one (either active or reserved)
What I'm doing so far, is checking if there is a task active or reserved for that user before creating the task:
def user_created_task(active_tasks, reserved_tasks, user_id):
for task in list(active_tasks.values())[0] + list(reserved_tasks.values())[0]:
if task['name'] == 'task_one' and task['args'][0] == user_id:
# Check if there is a `task_one` task created for the user
return True
return False
def user_tasks_already_running_or_reserved(user_id):
inspect = app.control.inspect()
active_tasks =
reserved_tasks = inspect.reserved()
if active_tasks is None and reserved_tasks is None:
# Celery workers are disconnected
return False
return user_created_task(active_tasks, reserved_tasks, user_id)
if request.method == 'POST':
if not user_tasks_already_running_or_reserved(
I was wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this, instead of inspecting all the workers on every user request, maybe there's a way of adding this condition on Celery before the task runs, so far I haven't found anything in the documentation.
The situation you are describing calls for the use of a distributed lock (because n = 1), but can be more generally described as a distributed semaphore. Roughly speaking, these locks and mechanisms fall outside of what is built into celery.
As mentioned by the commenters (hat tip: @bernhard vallant), a straightforward implementation of a distributed lock would normally utilize something like a table in a database or a redis rlock / redlocks.
In order to utilize one common implementation, you can do the following:
from redlock import MultipleRedlockException, Redlock
from django.conf import settings
@app.task(name='task_one', autoretry_for=(MultipleRedlockException, ), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 5})
def task_one(user_id, *args, **kwargs):
# assumes you are using redis for django cache with location
# set to the redis url
lock_manager = Redlock([ settings.CACHES['default']['LOCATION'] ])
lock_name = f'task_one:{user_id}'
# if the lock fails, we'll get the MultipleRedlockException and trigger
# celery auto retry
lock_manager.lock(lock_name, 60 * 60 * 2) # lock for 2 hours
# the main body of what you want to do goes here
Answered By - 2ps
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