I'm trying to create a function that will calculate the lattice distance (number of horizontal and vertical steps) between elements in a multi-dimensional numpy array. For this I need to retrieve the actual numbers from the indexes of each element as I iterate through the array. I want to store those values as numbers that I can run through a distance formula.
For the example array A
I'd like to create a loop that iterates through each element and for the first element 1 it would retrieve a=0, b=0 since 1 is at A[0,0], then a=0, b=1 for element 2 as it is located at A[0,1], and so on...
My envisioned output is two numbers (corresponding to the two index values for that element) for each element in the array. So in the example above, it would be the two values that I am assigning to be a and b. I only will need to retrieve these two numbers within the loop (rather than save separately as another data object).
Any thoughts on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!
As I've become more familiar with the numpy and pandas ecosystem, it's become clearer to me that iteration is usually outright wrong due to how slow it is in comparison, and writing to use a vectorized operation is best whenever possible. Though the style is not as obvious/Pythonic at first, I've (anecdotally) gained ridiculous speedups with vectorized operations; more than 1000x in a case of swapping out a form like some row iteration .apply(lambda)
@MSeifert's answer much better provides this and will be significantly more performant on a dataset of any real size
More general Answer by @cs95 covering and comparing alternatives to iteration in Pandas
Original Answer
You can iterate through the values in your array with numpy.ndenumerate
to get the indices of the values in your array.
Using the documentation above:
A = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
for index, values in np.ndenumerate(A):
print(index, values) # operate here
Answered By - ti7
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