I want to loop over two files and plot the first column versus the second column of each file next to each other. I write the script below to do that, but after running, the two diagrams are plotted in one figure, while I want to plot them in two separate diagrams next to each other.
Can someone help me out with how to fix my code regarding my purpose?
def plot_en(filename):
with open("%s.en" %filename,"r") as g_in:
for line in g_in:
t.append([ float(x) for x in line.split()])
column1 = [ x[0] for x in t]
column2 = [ x[1] for x in t]
for example, consider files tempor1.en and tempor2.en are:
500 1.1
550 2.1
600 2.2
650 3.1
700 3.9
500 3.1
550 3.5
600 3.8
650 4.0
700 4.9
using the above python command I got two diagrams plotted on each other, like this: enter image description here
but I want to have separate diagrams for each of the tempor1.en and tempor2.en files right next to each other.
What about the following, i.e. calling the function just once and provide a list having the name of the two files of interest:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def plot_en(filename):
data_1 = np.loadtxt(f"{filename[0]}.en")
data_2 = np.loadtxt(f"{filename[1]}.en")
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.plot(data_1[:, 0], data_1[:, 1])
ax1.title.set_text(f"{filename[0]} Data")
ax2.plot(data_2[:, 0], data_2[:, 1])
ax2.title.set_text(f"{filename[1]} Data")
plot_en(["tempor1", "tempor2"])
Answered By - blunova
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