This post has everything of a duplicate.. and yet I can not figure it out despite the dozen of posts I've read.
Here is the XML (a short version):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
<coordinates xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<name>HydroCel GSN 256 1.0</name>
<acqMethod>An Average of Many Data Sets				</acqMethod>
How can I retrieve a list of sensors with the name, number, and coordinates for each sensor?
I am struggling to iterate over this tree:
tree = ET.parse(xml_fname)
root = tree.getroot()
# And then what?
# root.iter("sensor") does not yield any element
# root.find("sensor") returns None
# and so on...
The tag of the root looks weird to me..
Thanks for the help!
You can just parse it with namespace support. See below.
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
root = ET.parse(xml_fname)
# Use an XPath to get all sensor tags
sensors = root.findall(".//sensorLayout/sensors/sensor", namespaces={"": ""})
# Burst values from each child of every sensor
sensor_values = [{ct.tag.split("}")[-1]: ct.text for ct in sensor.getchildren()} for sensor in sensors]
# Dict key is formed by removing the namspace part in the tag - dirty!
You get something lik e
{'name': None, 'number': '1', 'type': '0', 'x': '6.962', 'y': '5.382', 'z': '-2.191'},
{'name': None, 'number': '2', 'type': '0', 'x': '6.484', 'y': '6.404', 'z': '-0.140'},
{'name': None, 'number': '3', 'type': '0', 'x': '5.699', 'y': '7.208', 'z': '1.791'}
Answered By - Kris
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