Attached model shows how to add bias in case of the unbalanced classification problem initial_bias = np.log([pos/neg])
. Is there a way to add bias if you have multi-class classification with unbalanced data, Say 5 classes where classes are have distribution (0.4,0.3, and 0.02)
2) also how to calculate and use class weights in such case?
update 1
I found a way to apply weights, still not sure how to use bias
#####adding weights 20 Feb
weight_for_0 = ( 1/ 370)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
weight_for_1 = ( 1/ 977)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
weight_for_2 = (1 / 795)*(370+ 977+ 795)/3
#array([0, 1, 2]), array([370, 977, 795])
class_weights_dict = {0: weight_for_0, 1: weight_for_1, 2:weight_for_2}
callbacks=[MyCustomCallback()],verbose=2,validation_data=test_dataset, class_weight=class_weights_dict)
Considering that you're using 'softmax'
softmax = exp(neurons) / sum(exp(neurons))
And that you want the results of the classes to be:
frequency = [0.4 , 0.3 , 0.2 , 0.08 , 0.02]
Biases should be given by the equation (elementwise):
frequency = exp(biases) / sum(exp(biases))
This forms a system of equations:
f1 = e^b1 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
f2 = e^b2 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
- ...
f5 = e^b5 / (e^b1 + e^b2 + ... + e^b5)
If you can solve this system of equations, you get the biases you want.
I used excel and test-error method to determine that for the frequencies you wanted, your biases should be respectively:
[1.1 , 0.81 , 0.4 , -0.51 , -1.9]
I don't really know how to solve that system easily, but you can keep experimenting with excel or another thing until you reach the solution.
Adding the biases to the layer - method 1.
Use a name when defining the layer, like:
self.last_dense = layers.Dense(units=3, activation="softmax", name='last_layer')
You may need to build the model first, so:
dummy_predictions = model.predict(np.zeros((1,) + input_shape))
Then you get the weights:
weights_and_biases = model.get_layer('last_layer').get_weights()
w, b = weights_and_biases
new_biases = np.array([-0.45752, 0.51344, 0.30730])
model.get_layer('last_layer').set_weights([w, new_biases])
Method 2
def bias_init(bias_shape):
return K.variable([-0.45752, 0.51344, 0.30730])
self.last_dense = layers.Dense(units=3, activation="softmax", bias_initializer=bias_init)
Answered By - Daniel Möller
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