The question is simple: here is my current algorithm. This is terribly slow because of the loops on the arrays. Is there a way to change it in order to avoid the loops and take advantage of the NumPy arrays types ?
import numpy as np
def loopingFunction(listOfVector1, listOfVector2):
resultArray = []
for vector1 in listOfVector1:
result = 0
for vector2 in listOfVector2:
result +=, vector2) * vector2[2]
return np.array(resultArray)
listOfVector1x = np.linspace(0,0.33,1000)
listOfVector1y = np.linspace(0.33,0.66,1000)
listOfVector1z = np.linspace(0.66,1,1000)
listOfVector1 = np.column_stack((listOfVector1x, listOfVector1y, listOfVector1z))
listOfVector2x = np.linspace(0.33,0.66,1000)
listOfVector2y = np.linspace(0.66,1,1000)
listOfVector2z = np.linspace(0, 0.33, 1000)
listOfVector2 = np.column_stack((listOfVector2x, listOfVector2y, listOfVector2z))
result = loopingFunction(listOfVector1, listOfVector2)
I am supposed to deal with really big arrays, that have way more than 1000 vectors in each. So if you have any advice, I'll take it.
You can at least remove the two forloop to save alot of time, use matrix computation directly
import time
import numpy as np
def loopingFunction(listOfVector1, listOfVector2):
resultArray = []
for vector1 in listOfVector1:
result = 0
for vector2 in listOfVector2:
result +=, vector2) * vector2[2]
return np.array(resultArray)
def loopingFunction2(listOfVector1, listOfVector2):
resultArray = np.sum(, listOfVector2.T) * listOfVector2[:,2], axis=1)
return resultArray
listOfVector1x = np.linspace(0,0.33,1000)
listOfVector1y = np.linspace(0.33,0.66,1000)
listOfVector1z = np.linspace(0.66,1,1000)
listOfVector1 = np.column_stack((listOfVector1x, listOfVector1y, listOfVector1z))
listOfVector2x = np.linspace(0.33,0.66,1000)
listOfVector2y = np.linspace(0.66,1,1000)
listOfVector2z = np.linspace(0, 0.33, 1000)
listOfVector2 = np.column_stack((listOfVector2x, listOfVector2y, listOfVector2z))
import time
t0 = time.time()
result = loopingFunction(listOfVector1, listOfVector2)
print('time old version',time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
result2 = loopingFunction2(listOfVector1, listOfVector2)
print('time matrix computation version',time.time() - t0)
print('Are results are the same',np.allclose(result,result2))
Which gives
time old version 1.174513578414917
time matrix computation version 0.011968612670898438
Are results are the same True
Basically, the less loop the better.
Answered By - ymmx
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