I have three data frames (as result from .mean()
) like this:
A 533.9
B 691.9
C 611.5
D 557.8
I want to concatenate them to three columns like this
all X Y
A 533.9 558.0 509.8
B 691.9 613.2 770.6
C 611.5 618.4 604.6
D 557.8 591.0 524.6
My MWE below does work. But I wonder if I can use .crosstab()
or another fancy and more easy pandas function for that.
The initial data frame:
group A B C D
0 X 844 908 310 477
1 X 757 504 729 865
2 X 420 281 898 260
3 X 258 755 683 805
4 X 511 618 472 548
5 Y 404 250 100 14
6 Y 783 909 434 719
7 Y 303 982 610 398
8 Y 476 810 913 824
9 Y 583 902 966 668
And this is the MWE using dict
and pandas.concat()
to solve the problem.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random as rd
import pandas as pd
import statistics
df = pd.DataFrame({
'group': ['X'] * 5 + ['Y'] * 5,
'A': rd.choices(range(1000), k=10),
'B': rd.choices(range(1000), k=10),
'C': rd.choices(range(1000), k=10),
'D': rd.choices(range(1000), k=10),
cols = list('ABCD')
result = {
'all': df.loc[:, cols].mean(),
'X': df.loc['X'), cols].mean(),
'Y': df.loc['Y'), cols].mean()
tab = pd.concat(result, axis=1)
You can do with melt
then pivot_table
out = df.melt('group').pivot_table(
index = 'variable',
columns = 'group',
values = 'value',
aggfunc = 'mean',
margins = True).drop(['All'])
group X Y All
A 558.0 509.8 533.9
B 613.2 770.6 691.9
C 618.4 604.6 611.5
D 591.0 524.6 557.8
Answered By - BENY
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