I'm not quite sure how to ask this question, but I need some clarification on how to make use of Dask's ability to "handle datasets that don't fit into memory", because I'm a little confused on how it works from the CREATION of these datasets.
I have made a reproducible code below that closely emulates my problem. Although this example DOES fit into my 16Gb memory, we can assume that it doesn't because it does take up ALMOST all of my RAM.
I'm working with 1min, 5min, 15min and Daily stock market datasets, all of which have their own technical indicators, so each of these separate dataframes are 234 columns in width, with the 1min dataset having the most rows (521,811), and going down from there. Each of these datasets can be created and fit into memory on their own, but here's where it gets tricky.
I'm trying to merge them column-wise into 1 dataframe, each column prepended with their respective timeframes so I can tell them apart, but this creates the memory problem. This is what I'm looking to accomplish visually:
I'm not really sure if Dask is what I need here, but I assume so. I'm NOT looking to use any kind of "parallel calculations" here (yet), I just need a way to create this dataframe before feeding it into a machine learning pipeline (yes, I know it's a stock market problem, just overlook that for now). I know Dask has a machine learning pipeline I can use, so maybe I'll make use of that in the future, however I need a way to save this big dataframe to disk, or create it upon importing it on the fly.
What I need help with is how to do this. Seeing as each of these datasets on their own fit into memory nicely, an idea I had (and this may not be correct at all so please let me know), would be to save each of the dataframes to separate parquet files to disk, then create a Dask dataframe object to import each of them into, when I go to start the machine learning pipeline. Something like this:
Is this conceptually correct with what I need to do, or am I way off? haha. I've read through the documentation on Dask, and also checked out this guide specifically, which is good, however as a newbie I need some guidance with how to do this for the first time.
How can I create and save this big merged dataframe to disk, if I can't create it in memory in the first place?
Here is my reproducible dataframe/memory problem code. Be careful when you go to run this as it'll eat up your RAM pretty quickly, I have 16Gb of RAM and it does run on my fairly light machine, but not without some red-lining RAM, just wanted to give the Dask gods out there something specific to work with. Thanks!
from pandas import DataFrame, date_range, merge
from numpy import random
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
main_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(ONE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, ONE_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
columns=list("col_" + str(x) for x in range(ONE_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="min", periods=ONE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
five_min_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
columns=list("5_min_col_" + str(x) for x in range(FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="5min", periods=FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS))
# Merge the 5 minute to the 1 minute df
main_df = merge(main_df, five_min_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
fifteen_min_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
columns=list("15_min_col_" + str(x) for x in range(FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_COLS)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="15min", periods=FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS))
# Merge the 15 minute to the main df
main_df = merge(main_df, fifteen_min_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
fifteen_min_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(DAILY_NUM_OF_ROWS, DAILY_NUM_OF_COLS)),
columns=list("daily_col_" + str(x) for x in range(DAILY_NUM_OF_COLS)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="D", periods=DAILY_NUM_OF_ROWS))
# Merge the daily to the main df (don't worry about "forward peaking" dates)
main_df = merge(main_df, fifteen_min_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
main_df = main_df.fillna(method="ffill")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
I took a stab at an attempt for a solution, but I'm still lost.
I see in the tutorials that it's best to merge a pandas DF with a Dask DF. Knowing that one of these dataframes fits into memory on its own, I figured what I could try was:
- Make the 1 minute dataframe (the biggest one) a Dask dataframe
- Generate the 5, 15 and Daily dataframes one at a time in pandas
- Merge the pandas dataframes with the Dask dataframe, starting with the 5 min
- Save the final, merged Dask dataframe to disk as a parquet (or parquet's as I see it being saved as now)
HOWEVER, I still don't understand how the "chunk"/partition sizes fits into what I'm trying to do here because, aren't partitions just chunks of ROWS that it processes? I'm working with COLUMNS here.
My code attempt (thanks to the first answer I received) looks something like this (but again, I'm a newbie here):
from pandas import DataFrame, date_range, merge
from numpy import random
import dask.dataframe as dd, dask.delayed
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Variables #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
ONE_MIN_INDEX = date_range(
start="2019-12-09 04:00:00",
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Function to load data by chuck size #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def load_data_subset(start_date, freq, periods):
# presumably, you'd query some API or something here
dummy_ind = date_range(start_date, freq=freq, periods=periods)
dummy_response = DataFrame(
random.randint(0, 100, size=(len(dummy_ind), 234)),
columns=list(freq + str(x) for x in range(234)),
return dummy_response
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Create the Dask dataframe from the 1 minute dataframe #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
ddf = dd.from_delayed([
load_data_subset(ONE_MIN_INDEX[i], freq="1min", periods=10000) for i in range(0, ONE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, 10000)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Merge the 5, 15, and Daily datasets to the Dask dataframe, COLUMN WISE #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
for current_num_of_rows, current_timeframe in zip([FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, DAILY_NUM_OF_ROWS],
["5min", "15min", "1D"]):
five_min_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, 234)),
columns=list("5_min_col_" + str(x) for x in range(234)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="5min", periods=FIVE_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS))
ddf = ddf.merge(five_min_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True)
fifteen_min_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, 234)),
columns=list("15_min_col_" + str(x) for x in range(234)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="15min", periods=FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS))
ddf = ddf.merge(fifteen_min_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True)
daily_df = DataFrame(random.randint(0,100, size=(DAILY_NUM_OF_ROWS, 234)),
columns=list("daily_col_" + str(x) for x in range(234)),
index=date_range(start="2019-12-09 04:00:00", freq="1D", periods=DAILY_NUM_OF_ROWS))
ddf = ddf.merge(daily_df, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Export #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
ddf.to_parquet("test", overwrite=True)
When I do this, my resources look like this for a while:
...then as it starts writing the parquet files to disk, it's this:
I'm hoping this provides some direction in what I'm looking to accomplish here, I just have no idea how to make this work.
KEEP IN MIND, that technical indicators are being used in the application I'm trying to emulate, so I can't calculate the technical indicators on "chunks" of rows, because, in the instance of a moving average for example, the first X rows would all be nan's while it's making the moving average. The entire dataframe needs to be made first in order to keep the technical indicators in tact before merging the dataframes together.
I would take the dask.dataframe tutorial and look at the dataframe best practices guide. dask can work with larger-than-memory datasets generally by one of two approaches:
design your job ahead of time, then iterate through partitions of the data, writing the outputs as you go, so that not all of the data is in memory at the same time.
use a distributed cluster to leverage more (distributed) memory than exists on any one machine.
It sounds like you're looking for approach (1). The actual implementation will depend on how you access/generate the data, but generally I'd say you should not think of the job as "generate the larger-than-memory dataset in memory then dump it into the dask dataframe". Instead, you'll need to think carefully about how to load the data partition-by-partition, so that each partition can work independently.
Modifying your example, the full workflow might look something like this:
import pandas as pd, numpy as np, dask.dataframe, dask.delayed
def load_data_subset(start_date, freq, periods):
# presumably, you'd query some API or something here
dummy_ind = pd.date_range(start_date, freq=freq, periods=periods)
dummy_response = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(len(dummy_ind), 234)),
columns=list("daily_col_" + str(x) for x in range(234)),
return dummy_response
# generate a partitioned dataset with a configurable frequency, with each dataframe having a consistent number of rows.
full_index = pd.date_range(
start="2019-12-09 04:00:00",
df_15min = dask.dataframe.from_delayed([
load_data_subset(full_index[i], freq="15min", periods=10000)
for i in range(0, FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, 10000)
You could now write these to disk, concat, etc, and at any given point, each dask worker will only be working with 10,000 rows at a time. Ideally, you'll design the chunks so each partition will have a couple hundred MBs each - see the best practices section on partition sizing.
This could be extended to include multiple frequencies like this:
import pandas as pd, numpy as np, dask.dataframe, dask.delayed
def load_data_subset(start_date, freq, data_freq, hf_periods):
# here's your 1min time series *for this partition*
high_res_ind = pd.date_range(start_date, freq=freq, periods=hf_periods)
# here's your lower frequency (e.g. 1H, 1day) index
# for the same period
data_ind = high_res_ind.floor(data_freq).drop_duplicates()
# presumably, you'd query some API or something here.
# Alternatively, you could read subsets of your pre-generated
# frequency files. this covers the same dates as the 1 minute
# dataset, but only has the number of periods in the lower-res
# time series
dummy_response = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(len(data_ind), 234)),
f"{data_freq}_col_" + str(x) for x in range(234)
# now, reindex to the shape of the new data (this does the
# forward fill step):
dummy_response = (
return dummy_response
def load_all_columns_for_subset(start_date, freq, periods):
return pd.concat(
load_data_subset(start_date, "1min", "1min", hf_periods),
load_data_subset(start_date, "1min", "5min", hf_periods),
load_data_subset(start_date, "1min", "15min", hf_periods),
load_data_subset(start_date, "1min", "D", hf_periods),
# generate a partitioned dataset with all columns, where lower
# frequency columns have been ffilled, with each dataframe having
# a consistent number of rows.
full_index = pd.date_range(
start="2019-12-09 04:00:00",
df_15min = dask.dataframe.from_delayed([
load_all_columns_for_subset(full_index[i], freq="1min", periods=10000)
for i in range(0, FIFTEEN_MIN_NUM_OF_ROWS, 10000)
Answered By - Michael Delgado
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