I'd like to create function a which converts objects to float. Tried to find some solution, but always get some errors:
# sample dataframe
d = {'price':['−$13.79', '−$ 13234.79', '$ 132834.79', 'R$ 75.900,00', 'R$ 69.375,12', '- $ 2344.92']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
I tried this code, first wanted just to find solution.
df['price'] = (df.price.str.replace("−$", "-").str.replace(r'\w+\$\s+', '').str.replace('.', '')\
.str.replace(',', '').astype(float)) / 100
So idea was to convert -$ to - (for negative values). Then $ to ''.
But as a result I get:
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '−$1379'
You can extract the numbers on one side, and identify whether there is a minus in the other side, then combine:
factor = np.where(df['price'].str.match(r'[−-]'), -1, 1)/100
out = (pd.to_numeric(df['price'].str.replace(r'\D', '', regex=True), errors='coerce')
0 -13.79
1 -13234.79
2 132834.79
3 75900.00
4 69375.12
5 -2344.92
Name: price, dtype: float64
Answered By - mozway
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