I am trying to use pytesseract for OCR, on a raspberry pi using Raspbian
I have read several questions on this topic, but can't find an answer that works, they usually say to install pytesseract with pip, and I did it.
my code is very simple:
import pytesseract
from PIL import Image
But it returns error message : "ImportError: No module named 'pytesseract' .
I have installed tesseracrt-ocr (the whereis tesseract-ocr command returns /usr/share/tesseract-ocr)
I have installed pytesseract with pip install tesseract (which returns successfully installed Pillow-4.3.0 olefile-0.44 pytesseract-0.1.7 ... but the whereis pytesseract command does not return anything --> a problem?).
Do you have any idea of the problem I have ?
See after installing pytesseract ,using
<cmd>C:\> pip install pytesseract
Try :
import pytesseract
If above is not working then it has do something with the installation , Check if pytesseract folder is available under "\Python27\Lib\site-packages" ,
Try the above command from site packages, Hope this helps , Else there is something wrong with installation .
Answered By - coder3521
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