I had a question where i needed to find how many people have the word "Chief" in their jobtitle? i was using the below two approaches but both of them give different answers, kindly let me know what's the difference and which should i use.
Approach 1:
len(sal[sal.JobTitle.str.contains("Chief", case=True, na=False)])
This gives output as 423
Approach 2:
count = 0
for job in sal['JobTitle']:
for j in job.split():
if j.lower() =='chief':
This gives the correct output 477.
It is because of your approach 1 count 'Chief' but approach 2 first lower and thencount 'chief'. It is possible to there were some records with lowercase in job title and approach 1 can not count them
Answered By - Alireza
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