I'm learning Python scripts, but I thought of experimenting with something for a browser video. I'm trying to make a Python script that will run that particular browser video in a loop for as many times I want and in 4x playback speed.
As I searched many tools appeared like Selenium with Python. But still, I'm looking for some help through this.
You can use any browser automation tool to do this. Here is the solution for your various use case using selenium :
Imports and page load
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import By
chrome_path = r"C:\Users\hpoddar\Desktop\Tools\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe"
s = Service(chrome_path)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=s)
Utility to wait for Ad
The below code waits until the Ad completes. Obviously you can do this using selenium's wait.until(EC.invisibility_of_element
. Let me know if you need that code. Here we are doing this using javascript. Its better you do this every x period(say).
waitForAd = '''if (document.querySelector(""))
return true
return false
while(driver.execute_script(waitForAd)): pass
Play on Loop
To play the video in loop, you can set the video object property.
playInLoop = '''const video = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream html5-main-video")[0]
video.loop = true
To play on loop on some condition you can check you can write a javascript function that plays the video on loop until the variable play is set, when you want the video to stop playing again, you can set the variable play as false.
Change playback speed
Here we have passed 4, you can pass anything here
driver.execute_script('''document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 4;''')
Obviously all the above script can be formatted on user input by using python's format string.
The above example was for a youtube video. Here is how you can do the same for a vimeo embedded video.
Get Element
getVideo = '''vid = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]'''
Play on loop
Again, the loop attribute can be set to false on user input by making an execute_script request again.
playOnLoop = '''vid.loop = true'''
Change playback speed
Here we have set it to 3, you can set anywhere between the range
playbackRate= '''vid.playbackRate = 3'''
Pausing the video
pause = '''vid.pause()'''
Vimeo provides multiple API's for a video element that can satisfy all your project requirement. Try exploring the documentation
for it.
Answered By - Himanshu Poddar
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